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News Archive - Mario Aguilera

New View of Species Interactions Offers Clues to Preserve Threatened Ecosystems

April 29, 2021

Scientists from around the world have produced a new analysis—believed to be the most detailed study of ecological data from global forests—that is furthering science’s understanding of species interactions and how diversity contributes to the preservation of ecosystem health.

Breakthrough with Quantum Materials Pushes Biologically Inspired Learning Devices

April 14, 2021

UC San Diego physicists have created new artificial devices that mimic basic learning functions carried out by neurons in the human brain. They demonstrated how quantum materials could be used to develop new devices that can “learn” to switch between functional states.

New Blueprint of Brain Connections Reveals Extensive Reach of Central Regulator

April 5, 2021

UC San Diego researchers have generated a new map of brain connectivity from a part of the brain called the basal ganglia, a hub for regulating motor and behavior functions. The breadth of connections revealed could potentially open avenues for intervention of Parkinson’s disease and other disorders

Distinct Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms Tied to Different Brain Pathways

April 2, 2021

Neurobiologists have found that identifiable brain pathways are linked with specific debilitating symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. The findings could help form the basis for improving therapeutic strategies for precise symptoms of Parkinson’s at various levels of disease progression.

‘Island of Rats’ Recovers

March 8, 2021

A coordinated conservation effort that removed rats from Hawadax Island, formerly known as “Rat Island,” has become a new example of how ecosystems can fully recover to their natural state in little more than a decade. The results are described in a report led by a UC San Diego scientist.

New ‘Split-drive’ System Puts Scientists in the (Gene) Driver Seat

March 5, 2021

New research published in two papers by UC San Diego scientists describes novel achievements designed to make the implementation of gene drives safer and more controllable. The new split drive and home-and-rescue systems address concerns about the release of gene drives in wild populations.

Food for Thought: New Maps Reveal How Brains are Kept Nourished

March 2, 2021

UC San Diego scientists have created new brain maps with unprecedented detail. The insights provided by the new maps are helping answer questions about blood supply and how more active parts of the brain are kept nourished versus less demanding areas.

UC San Diego Physicists Uncover Phenomena Tied to New State of Matter

February 19, 2021

UC San Diego physicists are discovering details about the fundamental properties of exotic particles known as excitons. Their findings include pinpointing a visual phenomenon tied to a new state of matter as well as the first confirmation of exciton superfluidity.

Four UC San Diego Faculty Members Awarded 2021 Sloan Research Fellowships

February 16, 2021

Four faculty members from UC San Diego have been awarded 2021 Sloan Research Fellowships, awards designed to support “extraordinary” early career researchers.

Researchers Unveil Detailed Genome of Invasive Malaria Mosquito

February 11, 2021

Researchers have produced a groundbreaking new reference genome for the Asian malaria vector mosquito Anopheles stephensi. The achievement will help scientists engineer advanced forms of defense against malaria transmission, including targeted CRISPR and gene drive-based strategies.
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