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News Archive - Inga Kiderra

Educate to Indoctrinate: Education Systems Were First Designed to Suppress Dissent

April 28, 2022

Public primary schools were created by states to reinforce obedience among the masses and maintain social order, rather than serve as a tool for upward social mobility, suggests a study from UC San Diego political scientist Agustina Paglayan.

Educate to Indoctrinate: Education Systems Were First Designed to Suppress Dissent

April 28, 2022

Public primary schools were created by states to reinforce obedience among the masses and maintain social order, rather than serve as a tool for upward social mobility, suggests a study from UC San Diego political scientist Agustina Paglayan.

First ‘Wise Elder Changemaker’ Awards Celebrate San Diegans Age 65+

April 19, 2022

Five remarkable people are being celebrated by the Life Course Scholars Program at UC San Diego with “Wise Elder Changemaker” awards for their "significant impact on people, land, communities and movements for change across our region."

One and Done: Researchers Urge Testing Eyewitness Memory Only Once

November 3, 2021

A team of psychological scientists and criminologists led by memory expert John Wixted of UC San Diego say our system of jurisprudence needs a simple no-cost reform -- testing eyewitnesses for their memory of suspects only once.

Survey Finds Bipartisan Support for Major Reform to California’s Recall Process

September 23, 2021

Pundits around the nation have been calling for overhaul of the century-old rules that govern California’s recall elections, since even before the petition to remove Gov. Gavin Newsom reached the ballot box. Political leaders are now pushing ahead. But what do ordinary voters think and want?

Survey: Majority of Californians Still Believe the State Is ‘Golden’

July 7, 2021

Is there a "CalExodus"? A UC San Diego survey finds no increase, over 2019, in residents who say they plan to leave. A companion report analyzing Google trends data suggests they aren’t secretly searching for move-related terms either.

Researchers Translate a Bird’s Brain Activity Into Song

June 16, 2021

It is possible to re-create a bird’s song by reading only its brain activity, shows a first proof-of-concept study from the University of California San Diego. The study is an early step toward building vocal prostheses for humans who have lost the ability to speak.

Researchers Translate a Bird’s Brain Activity Into Song

June 16, 2021

It is possible to re-create a bird’s song by reading only its brain activity, shows a first proof-of-concept study from the University of California San Diego. The study is an early step toward building vocal prostheses for humans who have lost the ability to speak.

Counterintuitive Approach May Improve Eyewitness Identification

February 15, 2021

Researchers show for the first time that selecting innocent fillers for police lineups who match a basic description of the suspect but whose faces are less similar, rather than more, leads to better outcomes than traditional approaches in the field. Eyewitness performance improved by about 10%.

Massive Tsunami Hit the Neolithic Middle East 9,000+ Years Ago

December 23, 2020

This wasn’t Noah’s flood. But it was still a catastrophic event that profoundly changed the landscape and could have given rise to legends, too. Study identifies oldest known paleo tsunami in the Eastern Mediterranean.
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