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Your search for “drug discovery” returned 459 results

UC San Diego Entrepreneurs Pitch Their Technologies in $300,000 primeUC Competition

January 7, 2016

…proprietary platform that enables discovery of beneficial strains in the skin microbiome, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory microbial metabolites, and prebiotic compounds that can correct the dysbiosis, treat disease symptoms and prevent disease recurrence. Dermala’s rational design of microbiome-based therapies will fundamentally transform the way chronic skin diseases are treated and prevented.…

Noted Canadian Neurologist to Head UC San Diego Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study

January 14, 2016

Howard Feldman, MD, FRCP(C), a renowned Canadian neurologist noted for his original research in geriatric cognitive disorders and expertise in large-scale clinical trials, has been named the new director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS) at University of California, San Diego, pending approval from the National Institute on Aging…

Multidisciplinary Research Institute at UC San Diego Named in Honor of Qualcomm

April 2, 2013

The University of California, San Diego is renaming its division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) in honor of the philanthropy of the San Diego-based wireless technology leader, Qualcomm Incorporated.

Excessive Fructose Consumption May Cause a Leaky Gut, Leading to Fatty Liver Disease

August 24, 2020

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine report that fructose only adversely affects the liver after it reaches the intestines, where the sugar disrupts the epithelial barrier protecting internal organs from bacterial toxins in the gut.

UC San Diego’s Brightest to Share Groundbreaking Ideas at Founders’ Symposium

November 8, 2012

…things, that might be drugs, it might be bio-plastics and it might be multicolored algae. What is exciting about your work? There is nothing more exciting than making a discovery that can change the world! Why does your work matter? We have been living a pretty lavish lifestyle for the…

Biodegradable Polymer System Offers New Hope for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

April 4, 2023

A team led by engineers at the University of California San Diego has developed a biodegradable polymer system to treat rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune and inflammatory disease, by working in concert with the power of the human immune system.

UC San Diego Launches New Human Milk Institute

October 25, 2022

Building upon a long history, the UC San Diego has launched a new Human Milk Institute to accelerate research into the biology and therapeutic potential of human milk to prevent or treat both infant and adult diseases. The new institute is believed to be the first of its kind in…

Beyond Binary

January 6, 2025

Ramesh Rao, director of the UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute, sits down with Shane Cybart, director of CalIT2 Riverside, for a wide-ranging discussion on quantum and other advanced computing methods.

Scientists Discover a New Signaling Pathway and Design a Novel Drug for Liver Fibrosis

April 25, 2024

Scientists from the University of California San Diego discovered a novel signaling pathway in liver cells, leading to a treatment for fibrosis.

Tested and Testing: UC San Diego Health Expands COVID-19 Diagnostics

April 6, 2020

UC San Diego Health makes measurable progress addressing COVID-19 testing shortage through multiple partnerships and rapidly growing in-house testing. Success has meant more testing for more patients, first responders and other health systems.

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