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Your search for “Neurology” returned 420 results

Center for Future of Surgery Expands at UC San Diego School of Medicine

October 14, 2019

In Fall 2019, the Center for the Future of Surgery at UC San Diego School of Medicine expanded to address the newest surgical trends, especially those benefiting the brain and the nervous system.

Genetic Variation in Individual Brain Cell Types May Predict Disease Risk

November 14, 2019

Researchers identified non-coding regions of the human genome that control the development and function of four brain cell types and mapped genetic risk variants for psychiatric diseases. They found that risk variants for Alzheimer’s disease were enriched in microglia-specific regulatory elements.

UC San Diego Neurobiologist Part of $2 million Project to Study Brain, Motor-skill Learning

December 13, 2019

A multi-institutional research team has been awarded a $2 million National Science Foundation grant to build an interdisciplinary research program that explores how the brain learns and stores information.

Stroke Drug Boosts Stem Cell Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury in Rats

December 17, 2019

In a UC San Diego study, rats with spinal cord injuries experienced a three-fold increase in motor activity when treated with neural progenitor cells that had been pre-conditioned with a modified form of tPA, a drug commonly used to treat non-hemorrhagic stroke.

Injection of Virus-Delivered Gene Silencer Blocks ALS Degeneration, Saves Motor Function

December 23, 2019

Novel spinal therapy/delivery approach prevented disease onset in neurodegenerative ALS disease model in adult mice and blocked progression in animals already showing disease symptoms.

Researchers Identify Gene with Functional Role in Aging of Eye

January 15, 2020

Researchers say a gene known to be a biomarker of age plays a key role in age-associated functional and anatomical aging in mouse retinas, a finding that has direct relevance to age-related eye diseases.

Zika Virus’ Key into Brain Cells ID’d, Leveraged to Block Infection and Kill Cancer Cells

January 16, 2020

Two different UC San Diego research teams identified the same molecule — αvβ5 integrin — as Zika virus’ key to brain cell entry. They found ways to take advantage of the integrin to both block Zika virus from infecting cells and turn it into something good: a way to shrink…

Stem Cells, CRISPR and Gene Sequencing Technology are Basis of New Brain Cancer Model

January 28, 2020

University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers created a new type of brain cancer model for glioblastoma using stem cells, CRISPR and gene sequencing.

Study: Two Enzymes Control Liver Damage in NASH

February 6, 2020

After identifying a molecular pathway that allows nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) to progress into liver cell death, University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers were able to use these pathways to halt further liver damage.

More than Just a Carnival Trick: Researchers Can Guess Your Age Based on Your Microbes

February 11, 2020

UC San Diego and IBM researchers reveal a new understanding of how our microbiomes change as we age, setting the stage for future research on the role microbes play in accelerating or decelerating the aging process and influencing age-related diseases.

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