New Sports Medicine Procedure Heals Runner’s Heel
UC San Diego Health offers new minimally invasive sports medicine treatment to repair tendon overuse injuries.
UC San Diego Health Sciences schools, institutes and centers are at the forefront of discovery and transformation.
UC San Diego Health offers new minimally invasive sports medicine treatment to repair tendon overuse injuries.
The final steel beam for UC San Diego Health’s new outpatient pavilion was positioned while team members looked on in admiration and pride.
The ceremony recognized the work of individuals and teams whose improvement projects made a positive impact for providers, staff and patients at UC San Diego Health.
The Human Condition, an annual humanities magazine published by the School of Medicine students, encourages creative endeavors that encompass the experiences, emotions and challenges that make us all who we are.
UC San Diego scientists contest longstanding hypothesis about mysterious illness affecting Gulf War veterans, providing first direct evidence that symptoms are driven by impaired mitochondria.
UC San Diego Psychedelics and Health Research Initiative received the gift from philanthropist Eugene Jhong to further our understanding of the unique states of consciousness induced by DMT and how it could benefit human health.
Forbes, May 29
San Diego Union Tribune, May 28
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