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News Archive - San Diego Supercomputer Center

SDSC Supercharges its ‘Data Oasis’ Storage System

June 5, 2012

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) has completed the deployment of its Lustre-based Data Oasis parallel file system, with four petabytes (PB) of capacity and 100 gigabytes per second (GB/s), to handle the data-intensive needs of the center’s new Gordon supercomputer.

SDSC to Host Summer Institute for Geosciences August 6-10

May 24, 2012

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego, will host its ninth annual Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute for Geoscientists (CSIG’12) August 6-10. Since 2004, CSIG has been funded each year by a grant from the Earth Science Division (EAR) of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

SDSC to Host “Summer Institute” Supercomputer Workshop August 6-10

May 24, 2012

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego, is expanding upon its successful Gordon Summer Institute program to include both its Gordon and Trestles supercomputers, with participants invited to focus on specific challenges in their areas of data-intensive research.

Defining the Agenda for “Big Data” Benchmarking

May 18, 2012

The move to data-driven science and decision-making is necessitating the need for a comprehensive benchmarking of ‘big data’ applications as well as price/performance across the board, according to attendees at a recent workshop organized by the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego.

New Understanding of ‘Copper Pump’ in Cells Could Prime Discovery of Anti-Cancer Drugs

May 16, 2012

A team of University of California, San Diego researchers has made new discoveries about a copper-transporting protein in the membranes of human cells that drug-discovery scientists can co-opt for the development of new anti-cancer drugs.

SDSC Announces Summer Supercomputing Program for Undergraduates

May 3, 2012

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego has announced a 10-week computational science program to provide a limited number of undergraduate students with paid, hands-on experience using Gordon, the center’s new data-intensive supercomputer.

Scientists Uncover Strong Support for Once-Marginalized Theory on Parkinson’s Disease

April 25, 2012

University of California, San Diego scientists have used powerful computational tools and laboratory tests to discover new support for a once-marginalized theory about the underlying cause of Parkinson’s disease.

SDSC’s Trestles Supercomputer Speeds Clean Energy Research

April 23, 2012

A team of Harvard University researchers has been allocated time on the Trestles supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) to perform computational calculations with the goal of creating the next generation of organic solar cells as an inexpensive and efficient source of energy.

SDSC Announces ‘Center of Excellence’ for Predictive Analytics

April 17, 2012

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California, San Diego is launching a new “center of excellence” aimed at leveraging SDSC’s data-intensive expertise and resources to help create the next generation of data researchers by leading a collaborative, nationwide education and training effort among academia, industry, and government.

Chronopolis Earns High Marks as “Trustworthy Digital Repository” in CRL TRAC Audit

April 9, 2012

The Center for Research Libraries (CRL) has certified Chronopolis, a large-scale data preservation network, as a “trustworthy digital repository” that meets accepted best practices in the management of digital repositories.
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