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News Archive - Michelle Franklin

Two UC San Diego Faculty Named 2023 Cottrell Scholars

February 9, 2023

UC San Diego Assistant Professor of Physics Javier Duarte and Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry Mark Herzik have been named 2023 Cottrell Scholars by Research Corporation for Science Advancement (RCSA).

Four UC San Diego Scientists Elected AAAS Fellows

January 31, 2023

Four UC San Diego researchers have been elected 2022 AAAS Fellows. Stuart Brody, Massimiliano Di Ventra, Elizabeth Komives and Yunde Zhao are being recognized for their scientifically and socially distinguished achievements by AAAS, publisher of the journal Science.

Computer Model of Influenza Virus Shows Universal Vaccine Promise

January 25, 2023

For the first time, researchers at UC San Diego have created an atomic-level computer model of the H1N1 virus that reveals new vulnerabilities, suggesting possible strategies for the design of future vaccines and antivirals against influenza.

Rewriting the Textbook on Gene Regulation: It’s the Big Picture That Counts

December 22, 2022

For the first time, researchers at UC San Diego have shown that changes in gene expression happen almost entirely during the transcription stage while the cells are growing. The researchers have provided a simple quantitative formula linking regulatory control to mRNA and protein levels.

UC San Diego Researchers Earn Air Force Young Investigator Awards

December 21, 2022

Three researchers at the University of California San Diego have been selected to receive Young Investigator Research Program awards from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the basic research arm of the Air Force Research Lab.

Physics Professor Brian Keating Named 2022 Legend of Flight Honoree

December 16, 2022

UC San Diego Physics Professor Brian Keating was honored by the International Air & Space Hall of Fame as a 2022 Legend of Flight honoree. Keating was recognized for his work studying the universe’s oldest light, called the cosmic microwave background.

UC San Diego Researchers Show Molecules Change Their Behaviors Under a Polariton Leader

November 17, 2022

UC San Diego Professors of Chemistry Wei Xiong and Joel Yuen Zhou show unambiguously that chemical reactions only occur with polaritons not dark modes.

Theoretical Physicist Olga Dudko Named American Physical Society Fellow

October 21, 2022

Olga Dudko, professor of Physics at the University of California San Diego, has been named an American Physical Society (APS) Fellow. The fellowship is a distinct honor — each year, no more than 0.5% of APS’s membership is recognized by their peers for election to the status of fellow.

Physicists Receive $12.6M From Department of Energy to Continue Exploring Next-Generation Computing

September 28, 2022

Through a highly competitive process, the Department of Energy (DOE) has announced $12.6 million in renewed funding for Quantum Materials for Energy Efficient Neuromorphic Computing (Q-MEEN-C) — led by the University of California San Diego.

For the Love of Peanut Butter

September 26, 2022

Brittany Merrill Yeng '09, MS '10 takes on an American classic. This story was published in the Fall 2022 issue of UC San Diego Magazine.
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