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News Archive - Cynthia Dillon

San Diego Supercomputer Center Receives Honors in 2024 BigDATAwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards

December 11, 2024

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) in the School of Computing, Information and Data Sciences at UC San Diego, along with the University of Utah, has been recognized in the Ninth Annual BigDATAwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards for leadership in the National Data Platform (NDP).

UC San Diego Takes Steps to Establish Globally Recognized Fintech Institute

December 3, 2024

With financial technology (fintech) a focal point of India’s changing 21st century economy, the University of California San Diego has joined a consortium in partnership with Gujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City), Ahmedabad University and IIT Gandhinagar to launch the GIFT International Fintech Institute (GIFT IFI) aimed at establishing India as a global leader in fintech. As the first university of its kind in the U.S. to step into the economic growth trajectory of India and the surrounding region, UC San Diego will help deliver advanced training and research and nurture top talent to meet the sector’s evolving needs

OpenTopography Receives $4 Million to Support AI-Ready Access to Topographic Data for Research and Education

August 29, 2024

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) has renewed funding for OpenTopography, a science gateway that advances understanding of the Earth’s surface, vegetation and built environment. OpenTopography is a comprehensive platform for open access to high-resolution (one meter pixel resolution or better) and global topographic data that is utilized by an international community of researchers, educators, government agencies, industry and hobbyists.

National AI Researchers Have the Chance to Access San Diego Supercomputer Center Resources through NSF NAIRR Pilot

May 7, 2024

The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Energy have announced the first 35 projects that will be supported with computational time through the National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot, marking a significant milestone in fostering responsible AI research across the nation. The initial call for applicants was issued in January 2024.

Broadening Access to Bridge the Gap between Data Innovation and Computing Infrastructure

March 14, 2024

The San Diego Supercomputer Center at UC San Diego and the University of Utah have announced a national-scale pilot project, called the National Data Platform, aimed at a service ecosystem to make access to and use of scientific data open and equitable across a broad range of communities.

NAIRR Pilot Takes Flight with First Call for AI-Related Research Proposals

January 26, 2024

Members of the U.S. research community have the opportunity to request access to advanced computing resources for projects focused on forwarding safe, secure and trustworthy AI.

San Diego Supercomputer Center Announces New Lead of Technology

September 27, 2023

Rick Wagner will play a key role in the development of SDSC’s high-performance computing and data technology vision and roadmap, bringing together expertise across the center to drive technology innovation and its application to a wide range of research challenges.

Shaking Up Earthquake Studies by Increasing Access to Data, Tools and Research Results

September 13, 2023

Earthquake rupture forecast studies provide information about the probabilities of when earthquakes will occur, where they’ll take place and how strong they'll be, but the tools aren't available to most. That's about to change.

U.S. Department of Energy Selects Team to Advance Fusion Research

September 1, 2023

A team will develop the Fusion Data Platform to provide reproducible artificial intelligence models for the scientific community to advance fusion research and support the deployment of the first generation of fusion energy power plants.

New AI Platform Addresses Challenge of Food Deserts in Low-Income Communities

April 13, 2023

An innovative food and nutrition project is uniquely combining artificial intelligence and social enterprise business models to help address the challenge of food deserts in the U.S.
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