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Your search for “infectious disease” returned 605 results

New Plant Protein Discoveries Could Ease Global Food and Fuel Demands

May 1, 2013

New discoveries of the way plants transport important substances across their biological membranes to resist toxic metals and pests, increase salt and drought tolerance, control water loss and store sugar can have profound implications for increasing the supply of food and energy for our rapidly growing global population. That’s the…

Top Stories of 2020

December 18, 2020

…kept the rate of infection low on campus and achieved national acclaim, landing on the radar of public health experts across the country. In addition to the critical work surrounding COVID-19, our students, faculty and staff have continued to lend their talents toward an array of creative contributions on campus…

Zika Virus May Cause Microcephaly by Hijacking Human Immune Molecule

May 6, 2016

…School of Medicine have determined one way Zika virus infection can damage developing brain cells. The study, published May 6 in Cell Stem Cell, also shows that inhibiting this mechanism reduces brain cell damage, hinting at a new therapeutic approach to mitigating the effects of prenatal Zika virus infection.

What Makes Blood Vessels Leaky: New Insights for Sepsis Therapeutics

August 31, 2021

Lab studies reveal protein HSP27’s role in blood vessel leakage, opening the possibility that therapeutically dialing its activity up or down might stabilize patients with sepsis.

Researchers Discover Key Functions of Therapeutically Promising Jumbo Viruses

May 1, 2024

Viruses known as “jumbo” phages are seen as a potential tool against deadly bacterial infections. But scientists must first decipher the extraordinary makeup of these mysterious viruses. Researchers have now uncovered a key piece of jumbo phage development that helps them counter bacteria.

UC San Diego Once Again Rated World’s No. 1 “Golden Age” University

June 24, 2020

For the fourth year in a row, the University of California San Diego has been ranked by Times Higher Education the world’s number one university founded during the “Golden Age” of higher education.

Six UC San Diego Professors Named 2017 AAAS Fellows

November 20, 2017

UC San Diego professors Michael Burkart, Catherine Constable, Richard Gallo, William Gerwick, Miroslav Krstic and Lorraine Pillus have been awarded the distinction of fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the largest general science organization in the United States and publisher of the journal Science.

Model Predicts How E. Coli Bacteria Adapt Under Stress

October 13, 2017

…adaptive cell modeling could provide patient-specific treatments for bacterial infections.

New Model Connects Respiratory Droplet Physics with Spread of Covid-19

July 20, 2020

Engineers have incorporated a new understanding of the impact of environmental factors on droplet spread into a mathematical model that can be used to predict the early spread of respiratory viruses including COVID-19, and the role of respiratory droplets in that spread.

UC San Diego Raises $3.05 Billion as Campaign for UC San Diego Concludes

July 14, 2022

…jaundice and a blood infection. “The challenges ahead were great, but with a treatment plan in place, the help of the Jacobs Medical Center team and the resilience of our son, we were released earlier than expected,” said Sathrum. “Although we spent over half of the year in the hospital,…

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