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Your search for “gene therapy” returned 751 results

Q&A with John Wixted

April 17, 2012

…different people, but one general suggestion has emerged over the years. When you say you want to forget something painful, what you really mean is that you want to stop thinking about it. How do you stop doing that? Paradoxically, the effort devoted to avoid thinking about a painful experience…

Q&A with Shandy Pinkowski

February 28, 2012

…am today without the generous support of scholarship donors. Because of their kind and giving nature, I will graduate from UC San Diego in June with a bachelor's degree in both international studies and philosophy. I am fortunate that I will carry rewarding college experiences into law school — experiences…

Top Hot Careers for College Grads

August 23, 2012

…process or adapt information generated by computers. UC San Diego Extension, as the continuing education arm of the university has more than 56,000 enrollees annually in about 4,300 courses. “UC San Diego Extension has put together an in-house research team under my direction which is doing more and more sophisticated…

First-Generation Faculty Share Stories of Overcoming Setbacks to Pursue their Passions

March 1, 2018

First-Generation Faculty Share Stories of Overcoming Setbacks to Pursue their Passions Being the first in your family to go to college comes with unique opportunities and challenges. At a recent panel discussion, current first-generation students had the opportunity to hear from faculty members who were once in their shoes. More…

Celebrating the successes of UC San Diego’s most dynamic grads

June 14, 2018

…any light or noise generated excruciating pain. “I went to the Warren College Dean of Student Affairs Dean Khalfani still not knowing what was wrong with me and fearing my academic career was over,” said Morris. “He was incredible and helped me with my course schedule.” On the way home…

Coping with Coronavirus Stress

March 26, 2020

…a marriage and family therapist with UC San Diego Health, who guides viewers through a short breathing exercise that has been scientifically proven to reduce stress. Also, UC San Diego’s Center for Mindfulness and the T. Denny Sanford Institute for Empathy and Compassion have joined forces with the Compassion Institute…

Q&A: Maintaining Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19

September 3, 2020

…of our bodies, we generate energy that allows us to function effectively and achieve goals. Q. What are some of the most common emotions people are feeling about the pandemic? A. We are in the midst of extraordinary times, and our emotions reflect this—from anxiety and grief to frustration and…

May You Be Well: New Ways to Build Resilience

April 29, 2021

…the same with a therapist? Schedule 30 minutes to say hello to an FSAP counselor, and if at some point you need to think through something, you already have a contact.” Counseling through FSAP is both confidential and no-cost to employees. Appointments are not recorded in human resource files, and…

Virtual Celebration Honors Senior Successes at The Preuss School

June 8, 2020

A virtual celebration will be held on June 18 to honor the accomplishments of 106 graduating seniors from The Preuss School UC San Diego, a charter middle and high school for low-income, first generation scholars.

Ninety-Six Percent of Seniors at The Preuss School UC San Diego Accepted to a University

June 11, 2021

Among 108 seniors at The Preuss School UC San Diego, 96% were accepted to at least one four-year college or university, while a record 52 were accepted to UC San Diego. The entire cohort will be the first in their family to graduate from college.

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