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Your search for “drug development” returned 991 results

Minding Time

April 18, 2019

…treated with appropriate, rigorously developed psychopharmaceuticals. Judd devoted the rest of his career to building one of the country’s finest psychiatry departments, based on research and evidence, elevating it to among the top three in National Institutes of Health funding. From 1987 to 1990, he served as director of the…

A Look Back at 2022

December 15, 2022

As we look forward to the upcoming new year, UC San Diego Today invites readers to take a look back at some milestones from 2022.

Microbial DNA in Patient Blood May be Tell-Tale Sign of Cancer

March 11, 2020

From a simple blood draw, microbial DNA may reveal who has cancer and which type, even at early stages.

Celebrating the successes of UC San Diego’s most dynamic grads

June 14, 2018

…on aiding in the development of a revolutionary infusion pump,” he said of an engineering project he’s working on. “After this point, I hope to apply the knowledge I’ve gained to make the world a better place through technology and innovation. Regardless of where I end up, I look forward…

A Deep Dive Into the Genetics of Alcohol Consumption

April 5, 2024

Some people have genes that protect them from alcohol abuse. An examination of databases at 23andMe reveal that those same alcohol-protective variants have associations with conditions and behaviors that may have nothing to do with alcohol.

UC San Diego Graduate Students Take Their Research to State Capitol

March 20, 2012

…the safety of prescription drugs in the era of Internet pharmacies and looking at how climate change affects animal and plant life in California. They shared research that could expand our understanding of how human languages are structured, how media shapes our worldview and the way we use reading and…

$18M Boost to Materials Science Research at UC San Diego

July 9, 2020

…theme is all about developing new ways to control the properties of materials during their synthesis by controlling how they transition, from the smallest atomic building blocks to materials that are large enough to see with the human eye. Improved materials for batteries and other technologies that help societies increase…

Campus Leaders Describe Plans to “Flash Forward from 50” in Research and Discovery

December 6, 2011

…celebrations, university leaders are developing a new long-term vision for the decades ahead. The central idea behind that vision is a familiar one: “We will build on faculty collaboration across disciplines to produce transformative research with societal impact.” The Founders’ Symposium, held on Nov. 17 in the new Medical Education…

UC San Diego Launches Two Projects on the Impact of Climate Change on Coastlines and People

October 25, 2022

The University of California San Diego has received two five-year National Science Foundation (NSF) grants totaling $6.6 million to fund research hubs in Southern California and Puerto Rico.

Vicious Circles: Ring-shaped DNA Provides Cancer Cells with a Malignant Twist

November 20, 2019

UC San Diego researchers describe how circular extrachromosomal DNA in cancer cells boosts aggressiveness and resistance to therapies.

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