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Your search for “Nanoengineering” returned 368 results

Nanoengineer Receives Award from Energy Department to Advance Solar Power Technologies

July 14, 2017

…of California San Diego nanoengineering professor David Fenning has received an award from the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative to lead a new project aimed at advancing research in solar photovoltaic technologies. The project will focus on developing a high resolution tool that can detect moisture in photovoltaic modules…

Faculty Awards and Honors April 2012

April 1, 2012

…Arts and Sciences Fellow Joseph Wang Distinguished Professor of Nanoengineering Award - 2012 Breyer Medal

Nanoparticles Detect Biochemistry of Inflammation

September 18, 2012

Adah Almutairi, associate professor at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, the department of nanoengineering, and the materials science and engineering program at the UC San Diego, and colleagues have developed the first degradable polymer that is extremely sensitive to low but biologically relevant concentrations of hydrogen peroxide.

Engineers Want to Design Custom-Built Nanotubes to Reinforce Composite Materials

September 12, 2012

Engineers at the University of California at San Diego are investigating how carbon nanotubes could reinforce the resin matrix found in composite materials commonly used in the aerospace, defense, automotive and sporting goods industries. The ultimate goal is to develop a custom-tailored nanoparticle to reinforce the resin matrix as well…

Self-Assembling Nanocubes for Next Generation Antennas and Lenses

June 13, 2012

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering have developed a technique that enables metallic nanocrystals to self-assemble into larger, complex materials for next-generation antennas and lenses.

NanoEngineering Professor Joseph Wang Appointed to SAIC Endowed Chair in Engineering at UC San Diego

November 25, 2014

NanoEngineering professor Joseph Wang has been named to the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) Endowed Chair in Engineering at the University of California, San Diego’s Jacobs School of Engineering. Wang is consistently one of the world’s most cited engineers and chemists and a recognized leader in multiple fields including nanomachines,…

Students Developing Low-Cost Device for Monitoring HIV Levels in Blood Win National Competition

August 1, 2017

…BS ’17), Allison Duchnak (Nanoengineering BS ‘17), Martin Hartel (Nanoengineering BS ‘18), Yajur Maker (Bioengineering BS ‘17) and Kirk Hutchison (History BA ‘18). Photos: National Academy of Engineering Students Developing Low-Cost Device for Monitoring HIV Levels in Blood Win National Competition A team of UC San Diego students is working…

Scientists at UC San Diego Introduce a Battery for Extreme Temperatures

December 21, 2022

A team of nanoengineers, including a group from UC San Diego, has published groundbreaking research on batteries built to deliver high-power output under the hottest and coldest conditions. This work provides insights into the electrolyte design for extreme-temperature batteries.

Nanoengineers Receive $4.3M From NIH To Continue Studies Using Plant Viruses To Treat Cancer

October 17, 2022

Researchers led by Nicole Steinmetz, professor of nanoengineering at the University of California San Diego, have received $4.3 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to advance their research using plant viruses to develop cancer immunotherapies.

Micromotors Push Around Single Cells and Particles

October 25, 2019

A new type of micromotor—powered by ultrasound and steered by magnets—can move around individual cells and microscopic particles in crowded environments without damaging them. It can also be controlled to move over 3D obstacles. The work could open up new possibilities for nanomedicine.

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