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Your search for “Medicare” returned 43 results

Serving the Underserved During the Global Pandemic

June 11, 2020

…benefits under Social Security, Medicare and Medi-Cal. “I asked the county if we could get authorization for some members of my team to go to the convention center and assist that patient population with filling out paperwork,” said Jordan. “I wanted to touch as many lives as possible.” In partnership…

Accessible and Affordable Care at Heart of Healthcare Technology Grants

September 7, 2011

Five teams of scientists from multiple campuses of the University of California and a Southern California hospital have been awarded up to $100,000 each to commercialize their ideas for new, lower cost health care technologies that will address a long-standing need for more affordable and efficient chronic disease management and…

A New Phase

January 31, 2023

The evolution of clinical trials is accelerating, driven by emerging technologies, social imperatives and the next public health crisis.

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