Biology majors and students taking undergraduate biology courses will see some new changes to improve the undergraduate experience this year, according to William (Bill) McGinnis, who was recently named dean of the Division of Biological Sciences.
On March 10, clocks across the United States will be moved forward one hour, shifting an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening. It’s a time when many of us feel fatigued and listless. And it’s not just because of that lost hour of sleep.
After an extensive national search, the UC Regents approved the appointment of Linda S. Greene, the Evjue-Bascom Professor of Law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as UC San Diego’s first Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Greene will lead the development of a diversity strategic plan for UC San Diego.
Marye Anne Fox will step down as Chancellor at the end of July after eight years of leadership service at UC San Diego. She has led our campus during a historic era of extraordinary growth and unprecedented financial challenges. She has assembled a diverse leadership team and set a visionary course for our future. Under her leadership, UC San Diego successfully completed a billion-dollar capital campaign, celebrated the campus’s 50th anniversary, enhanced the campus climate, and expanded at a record-setting pace to accommodate increasing numbers of students and a billion-dollar research enterprise. In this interview, she reflects on her time as Chancellor and talks about what’s next for her and the campus.
Student involvement on campus can lead to more than just a great college experience. It can also lead to a job. Garron Engstrom is a prime example. He graduated last year with a degree in cognitive science and now works as an Interaction Designer at Mitchell International in San Diego. In this interview, he talks about how his work as a student ambassador led him to his current position, and he also offers advice for new graduates.
Thousands of students, faculty, staff and community members use the UC San Diego Libraries every day. The Libraries provide more than 7 million digital and print volumes, journals and multimedia materials, and its resources and services are accessed on the Web almost 90,000 times a day. Ever-evolving shifts in user needs and the continuous decline in state funding, have led the Libraries to implement a number of changes, including the consolidation of some library buildings and collections.