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News Archive - Mika Ono

CDC Awards $17.5M to Team Led by UC San Diego to Strengthen Response to Disease Outbreaks

September 19, 2023

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has awarded $17.5 million to a coalition led by researchers at UC San Diego to develop innovative tools and networks to respond rapidly to emerging disease outbreaks.

UC San Diego Computer Music Pioneer Wins Silver Lion Prize

September 11, 2023

The 128-year-old European cultural institution La Biennale di Venezia has announced that UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute Composer-in-Residence Miller Puckette has won the Silver Lion award for enabling "the creation of numerous masterworks during recent decades in the history of music."

#MedEd: How Doctors Use Social Media to Advance Medicine

August 29, 2023

Ever wonder what your doctor is doing on social media? A new study published in JAMA led by John W. Ayers, Ph.D., from the Qualcomm Institute within the University of California San Diego, finds some physicians are harnessing the reach of social media to share and debate medical advancements.

Archaeologists Show Unmanned Robotic Vehicles Offer Solution to Challenges Mapping Underwater Sites

August 28, 2023

While cultural heritage sites submerged in shallow waters are difficult to access with traditional research vessels, a U.S.-Greek team has now shown that a robotic vessel can be used to collect information.

Two-Sided Coin: Engineers for Exploration Program Pays Off for Students and Scientists

August 14, 2023

“This summer, I am getting to further my passion for environmentalism, all while developing critical electrical engineering skills,” says Engineers for Exploration intern Jordan Reichardt.

What Does ChatGPT Say When You Tell It You Were Assaulted, You’re Suicidal, or Want to Quit Smoking?

June 7, 2023

A new UC San Diego study published in JAMA Network Open provides an early look into how artificially intelligent assistants could help answer public health questions.

UC San Diego Startup Wins $2.4 Million Defense Department Contract to Improve Battery Performance

May 23, 2023

Ateios Systems, a battery materials innovation company started by two UC San Diego alumni, announced that it has been awarded $2.4 million by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to help improve battery material performance and production.

New Study Shows Noninvasive Brain Imaging Can Distinguish Among Hand Gestures

May 19, 2023

Researchers have found a way to distinguish among hand gestures that people are making by examining only data from noninvasive brain imaging, without information from the hands. The results are an early step in a safe brain-computer interface that may one day help patients with movement challenges.

Study Finds ChatGPT Outperforms Physicians in High-Quality, Empathetic Answers to Patient Questions

April 28, 2023

A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine compared written responses from physicians with those from ChatGPT to real-world health questions. A panel of licensed healthcare professionals preferred ChatGPT’s responses 79% of the time. 

The Explorers: A Passion for Science Leads to New Territory

April 6, 2023

After decades of working in industry and academia, biophysicists Alex Savtchenko and Elena Molokanova still have big dreams.
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