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UC San Diego Health System: Saving Time, Saving Lives

September 7, 2011

Over the last year, UC San Diego Health System managed to significantly decrease average door-to-balloon time, beating national guidelines by over a third, and improving care of patients with the most severe type of heart attack, known as STEMI (ST-segment-elevation myocardial infarction).

UC San Diego Invention Saving Consumers Trillions of Watt Hours and Millions of Dollars

September 7, 2011

A University of California, San Diego technology that significantly reduces the amount of energy wasted by chips in computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices has recently passed the trillion watt-hour milestone in energy savings, according to the technology’s current licensee, Tela Innovations.

Biofuels Certificate Program Trains Workers for New Jobs in State’s Green Economy

September 7, 2011

The first 50 graduates of an innovative program funded by the State of California to retrain workers for the new green economy received their certification today to work as general science technicians in the rapidly expanding biofuels industry in the San Diego and Imperial County region.

UC San Diego a Green and Happy College, According to Newsweek

September 6, 2011

The University of California, San Diego may be known as a research power house, but in a setting where students are surfing in the morning and studying science in the afternoon, the campus has become a hotbed for fun. The university was recently named by Newsweek as one of the “greenest” and “happiest” universities in the nation.

UC San Diego Health System Honored with HIMSS Analytics Stage 7 Award

September 6, 2011

UC San Diego Health System has received the prestigious Stage 7 Award from HIMSS Analytics, a nationwide-system used to track electronic medical records (EMR) progress at hospitals and health systems. The hospital will be recognized at the annual HIMMS conference in February 2012 in Las Vegas.

Starving Inflammatory Immune Cells Slows Damage Caused by Multiple Sclerosis

September 1, 2011

In a paper published today in the journal Scientific Reports, a pair of researchers at the University of California, San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences report that inhibiting the ability of immune cells to use fatty acids as fuel measurably slows disease progression in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Glowing, Blinking Bacteria Reveal How Cells Synchronize Biological Clocks

September 1, 2011

Biologists have long known that organisms from bacteria to humans use the 24 hour cycle of light and darkness to set their biological clocks. But exactly how these clocks are synchronized at the molecular level to perform the interactions within a population of cells that depend on the precise timing of circadian rhythms is less well understood.

Washington Monthly Again Ranks UC San Diego Top University for Public Service

August 29, 2011

The University of California, San Diego’s commitment to community service has been recognized by the Washington Monthly as the nation’s top college in rankings measuring “what colleges are doing for the country” for the second consecutive year.

Sexual Satisfaction Tied to Overall “Successful Aging” as Reported by Women Age 60 to 89

August 24, 2011

A study by researchers at the Stein Institute for Research on Aging at the University of California, San Diego finds that successful aging and positive quality of life indicators correlate with sexual satisfaction in older women.

UC San Diego Health System Opens Comprehensive Liver Clinic in Nevada

August 24, 2011

Patients in Nevada seeking care for liver disease may now access the university-level expertise of UC San Diego Health System’s Center for Hepatobiliary Disease and Abdominal Transplantation (CHAT).
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