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UC San Diego Scholars Honored with Faculty Excellence Awards

March 14, 2012

What do a political scientist, pathologist, psychologist, neurobiologist, molecular biologist and musician have in common? They are all recipients of prestigious awards presented by the UC San Diego Chancellor’s Associates donor group for excellence in teaching, research, community service and performing and visual arts.

How to Best Help Your Child Lose Weight:  Lose Weight Yourself

March 14, 2012

A study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and The University of Minnesota indicates that a parent’s weight change is a key contributor to the success of a child’s weight loss in family-based treatment of childhood obesity.

Q&A with Antigone Blackwell

March 13, 2012

Antigone Blackwell is using her skills as a fundraiser, and her passion for diversity and access, to raise money for programs at UC San Diego that attract the best and brightest students from underrepresented communities. As the Director of Development for Diversity Initiatives, she has been working with students, faculty and staff all over campus, and individuals and groups in the community, to identify, cultivate and steward major gift prospects for various diversity activities. She came to UC San Diego from DePaul University in Chicago, where access was part of the school’s mission. In this interview, she talks about her priorities, the importance of collaboration, and the challenges and opportunities she faces.

A New Approach to Faster Anticancer Drug Discovery

March 13, 2012

Tracking the genetic pathway of a disease offers a powerful, new approach to drug discovery, according to scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine who used the approach to uncover a potential treatment for prostate cancer, using a drug currently marketed for congestive heart failure.

Botox Injections Now Used for Severe Urinary Incontinence

March 13, 2012

When you think of Botox injections, you probably think of getting rid of unwanted wrinkles around the eyes or forehead, but recently the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved using the injections to help patients with neurological conditions who suffer from incontinence, or an overactive bladder.

More Trans Fat Consumption Linked to Greater Aggression

March 13, 2012

Might the “Twinkie defense” have a scientific foundation after all? Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have shown – by each of a range of measures, in men and women of all ages, in Caucasians and minorities – that consumption of dietary trans fatty acids (dTFAs) is associated with irritability and aggression.

Data Support Theory on Location of Lost Leonardo da Vinci Painting

March 13, 2012

Evidence uncovered during research conducted in Florence’s Palazzo Vecchio late last year appears to support the theory that a lost Leonardo da Vinci painting existed on the east wall of the Hall of the 500, behind Giorgio Vasari’s mural “The Battle of Marciano.”

U.S. News Again Ranks UC San Diego Among Nation’s Best Graduate Schools

March 13, 2012

Each year, graduate programs at the University of California, San Diego are highly ranked by U.S. News & World Report, as noted in the 2013 edition of America’s Best Graduate Schools, released today. The rankings measure professional-school programs in business, education, engineering, law and medicine.

New Website to Open World of Neurosciences to Public

March 13, 2012

Which of the following statements are true? We only use 10 percent of our brain. Listening to classical music can make us smarter. Brain damage is permanent. Alcohol kills brain cells. If you’ve said none of the above, congratulations.

UC San Diego Welcomes Campus, Local Community to Triton Day Experience

March 13, 2012

UC San Diego’s Admit Day and Open House will come together Saturday, April 7 as the Triton Day Experience, a showcase of the university’s vibrant campus community. The free event open to the public will provide myriad opportunities to meet stellar professors, talk to student leaders, explore the campus and enjoy all-day entertainment.
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