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Your search for “Sensors” returned 580 results

Robotic Hand Rotates Objects Using Touch, Not Vision

July 25, 2023

Inspired by the effortless way humans handle objects without seeing them, a team led by UC San Diego engineers has developed a new approach that enables a robotic hand to rotate objects solely through touch, without relying on vision.

Diamonds Are a Physicist’s Best Friend

June 17, 2021

Physics condensed matter experimentalist Chunhui Rita Du leverages imperfections in diamonds to investigate materials needed for a new era of computing and storage. New quantum materials are exotic substances that are allowing scientists to create novel technologies at previously unseen scales.

‘Near-zero-power’ Temperature Sensor Could Make Wearables, Smart Home Devices Less Power-hungry

June 30, 2017

…have developed a temperature sensor that runs on only 113 picowatts of power — 628 times lower power than the state of the art and about 10 billion times smaller than a watt. This “near-zero-power” temperature sensor could extend the battery life of wearable or implantable devices that monitor body…

New Skin Patch Brings Us Closer to Wearable, All-In-One Health Monitor

February 15, 2021

UC San Diego engineers have developed a soft, stretchy skin patch that can be worn on the neck to continuously track blood pressure and heart rate while measuring the wearer’s levels of glucose as well as lactate, alcohol or caffeine. It performs as well as several commercial devices in one.

Temporary Tattoo Offers Needle-Free Way to Monitor Glucose Levels

January 14, 2015

Nanoengineers at the University of California, San Diego have tested a temporary tattoo that both extracts and measures the level of glucose in the fluid in between skin cells. This first-ever example of the flexible, easy-to-wear device could be a promising step forward in noninvasive glucose testing for patients with…

Engineers Take First Step Toward Flexible, Wearable, Tricoder-Like Device

May 23, 2016

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed the first flexible wearable device capable of monitoring both biochemical and electric signals in the human body. The Chem-Phys patch records electrocardiogram (EKG) heart signals and tracks levels of lactate, a biochemical that is a marker of physical effort, in…

Flexible Wearable Electronic Skin Patch Offers New Way to Monitor Alcohol Levels

August 2, 2016

…developed a flexible wearable sensor that can accurately measure a person’s blood alcohol level from sweat and transmit the data wirelessly to a laptop, smartphone or other mobile device. The device can be worn on the skin and could be used by doctors and police officers for continuous, non-invasive and…

Bringing Together Real-world Sensors and VR to Improve Building Maintenance

January 31, 2024

A new system that brings together real-world sensing and virtual reality would make it easier for building maintenance personnel to identify and fix issues in commercial buildings that are in operation.

Researchers Find an Immune System ‘Trip Wire’ That Detects COVID-19

June 8, 2023

Biologists have identified a previously unknown way that our immune system detects viruses. The immune protein CARD8 acts as a trip wire to detect a range of viruses, including the virus that causes COVID. They also found that CARD8 functions differently among species and varies between humans.

Surfing for Science

August 4, 2022

…with temperature and location sensors and a wireless device that transmits the data to the cloud. Researchers are developing algorithms to analyze that data and better understand what is happening to water conditions near shore. Collecting more data is important because there are very few existing tools to gather this…

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