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Your search for “Sensors” returned 580 results

Low-Cost Smart Glove Translates American Sign Language Alphabet and Controls Virtual Objects

July 12, 2017

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a smart glove that wirelessly translates the American Sign Language alphabet into text and controls a virtual hand to mimic sign language gestures. The device, which engineers call “The Language of Glove,” was built for less than $100 using stretchable…

NSF Awards More than $1 Million to Interdisciplinary Research Team to Study Chronic Low Back Pain

September 19, 2022

A multidisciplinary team led by researchers at UC San Diego has received $1.2 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to create a novel system to study and inform the treatment of chronic low back pain.

Burbidge Visiting Professor Uses Physics of Mayonnaise to Develop Electronic Skin

February 27, 2020

…human-robot interfaces and pressure sensors to prevent necrosis in diabetic patients and ulcers in paraplegics. With a shared passion for what Jérémie Palacci, an assistant professor in the UC San Diego Department of Physics, calls “the science of squishy things,” he and Colin are working on a project to apply…

Touch Goes Digital

September 5, 2013

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego report a breakthrough in technology that could pave the way for digital systems to record, store, edit and replay information in a dimension that goes beyond what we can see or hear: touch.

Lab-in-a-Box Takes Aim at Doctors’ Computer Activity

February 11, 2015

…the box are assorted sensors and software designed to monitor a doctor’s office, particularly during consultations with patients. The goal is to analyze the physician’s behavior and better understand the dynamics of the interactions of the doctor with the electronic medical records and the patients in front of them. The…

UC San Diego Inventions Gain $6-Million Venture-Capital Backing

July 25, 2016

“MouthSense” and “SmartFoam,” two new inventions by engineers in the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California San Diego, have attracted funding from NextWave Venture Partners.

By Enlisting 1,000 ‘Citizen-Sensors,’ Research Team Hopes to Improve World Health

December 12, 2013

Enterprising researchers and students at the University of California, San Diego are looking for funding to complete a “citizen-sensor” project that, they hope, will revolutionize global health and environmental monitoring – especially in remote and undeveloped areas of the planet.

New Miniaturized Wide-Angle Lens Captures Images in High-Definition

September 25, 2013

A new type of miniature camera system developed by engineers at the University of California, San Diego, promises to give users a big picture view without sacrificing high-resolution. The new imager achieves the optical performance of a full-size wide-angle lens in a device less than one-10th of the volume of…

Researchers Create Living ‘Neon Signs’ Composed of Millions of Glowing Bacteria

December 18, 2011

In an example of life imitating art, biologists and bioengineers at UC San Diego have created a living neon sign composed of millions of bacterial cells that periodically fluoresce in unison like blinking light bulbs.

NanoEngineering Professor Joseph Wang Appointed to SAIC Endowed Chair in Engineering at UC San Diego

November 25, 2014

…of NanoEngineering and director of the Center for Wearable Sensors at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.

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