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Your search for “RNA Therapeutics” returned 113 results

A Target for Potential Cancer Drugs May, In Fact, Worsen Disease

November 9, 2021

Researchers reveal a previously unrealized complexity in cancer development, one that raises concerns and caution about targeting an enzyme popular in oncological treatments.

Injection of Virus-Delivered Gene Silencer Blocks ALS Degeneration, Saves Motor Function

December 23, 2019

Novel spinal therapy/delivery approach prevented disease onset in neurodegenerative ALS disease model in adult mice and blocked progression in animals already showing disease symptoms.

Fighting COVID-19 With a Cancer Drug

July 3, 2024

Researchers at University of California San Diego show that a molecule which shuttles damaging inflammatory cells into cancer tumors also shuttles inflammatory cells into lung tissue infected with COVID-19 — and that the molecule can be suppressed with a repurposed cancer drug. The work represents a new approach to preventing…

Personalized “Eye-in-a-Dish” Models Reveal Genetic Underpinnings of Macular Degeneration

May 9, 2019

Using stem cells derived from six people, UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers recapitulated retinal cells in the lab. This “eye-in-a-dish” model allowed them to identify genetic variants that cause age-related macular degeneration, a common cause of vision loss.

Breakthrough Study on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

April 19, 2024

A groundbreaking study has advanced the understanding of the neurobiology of post-traumatic stress syndrome, led by researchers from UC San Diego School of Medicine.

Moments of Acute Stress Can Cause Molecular Alterations in Immune Response

March 1, 2016

Chronic psychosocial and emotional stress has well-documented negative effects upon the human immune system but less is known about the health effects of acute but transitory episodes of stress. Do panic-inducing moments also raise the risk of stress-related conditions? A team of researchers at University of California, San Diego School…

Stem Cells, CRISPR and Gene Sequencing Technology are Basis of New Brain Cancer Model

January 28, 2020

University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers created a new type of brain cancer model for glioblastoma using stem cells, CRISPR and gene sequencing.

UC San Diego Ranked Ninth in World in Biomedical Sciences

May 16, 2019

In its first-ever assessment of biomedical institutions around the world, based upon published research in a targeted set of high-quality scientific journals, the 2019 Nature Index ranked University of California San Diego ninth among the top 200 institutions in biomedical sciences worldwide.

W.M. Keck Foundation Awards $1 Million to UC San Diego Researchers Studying Pioneering Breakthrough

October 4, 2012

…a novel type of therapeutic platform that taps into the natural cellular process of RNA Interference (RNAi) and has the potential to target many of the undruggable disease genes involved in cancer, pandemic flu and Alzheirmer’s disease, plus many other genes. “We greatly appreciate that the W.M. Keck Foundation decided…

Researchers Discover New Genetic Brain Disorder in Humans

April 24, 2014

A newly identified genetic disorder associated with degeneration of the central and peripheral nervous systems in humans, along with the genetic cause, is reported in the April 24, 2014 issue of Cell.

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