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Your search for “Infectious disease” returned 324 results

Awash in Potential: Wastewater Provides Early Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus

July 7, 2022

Scientists and physicians at UC San Diego and Scripps Research describe how wastewater sequencing provided dramatic new insights into levels and variants of SARS-CoV-2 on campus and in the broader community — a key step to public health interventions in advance of COVID-19 case surges.

Repurposed Drug Found to be Effective against Zika Virus

January 25, 2018

In both cell cultures and mouse models, a drug used to treat Hepatitis C effectively protected and rescued neural cells infected by the Zika virus — and blocked transmission of the virus to mouse fetuses. Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues in Brazil and…

UC San Diego Celebrates 20th Annual Black History Month

February 3, 2022

…Diego Health. As an infectious disease specialist, Pride runs a research laboratory that specializes in viruses and has been in a leader in the university’s development of testing strategies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent Q&A in Discoveries Magazine, Pride shares more about the human virome and…

A Look Back at 2022

December 15, 2022

As we look forward to the upcoming new year, UC San Diego Today invites readers to take a look back at some milestones from 2022.

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