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Your search for “Coral bleaching” returned 16 results

What is El Niño?

October 12, 2023

El Niño and La Niña are natural climate phenomena that alter weather patterns around the world. El Niño occurs irregularly but shows up roughly every three to seven years and typically lasts between nine and 12 months with occasional exceptions that linger for multiple years.

Software System Labels Coral Reef Images in Record Time

January 10, 2017

…images from the world’s coral reefs anywhere between 10 to 100 times faster than processing the data by hand.This is possible because the new version of the system, dubbed CoralNet Beta, includes deep learning technology, which uses vast networks of artificial neurons to learn to interpret image content and to…

Big Pixel Initiative Develops Remote Sensing Analysis to Help Map Global Urbanization

September 8, 2016

Researchers at University of California San Diego’s Big Pixel Initiative are using unique tools to map urban areas around the globe, potentially revolutionizing large-scale analysis of urbanization, land use and city growth.

The AI Revolution is Upon Us—And UC San Diego Researchers Are Using it to Inform Climate Action

May 2, 2023

Researchers across a range of fields are working together to develop and implement AI-assisted tools and machine learning methods that will enable scientific discoveries at an unprecedented pace. And when it comes to global challenges like climate change, time is of the essence.

Students Showcase Their Work in Augmented and Virtual Reality at the Qualcomm Institute

July 3, 2023

UC San Diego undergraduate students are learning to apply extended reality tools to interdisciplinary projects at the Qualcomm Institute.

Meet the UC San Diego Delegates Headed to Egypt for UN Climate Conference

November 3, 2022

World leaders, climate experts and policymakers from nearly 200 counties are preparing to descend upon the seaside city of Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt for a United Nations climate conference that kicks off next week.

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