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Your search for “Coral bleaching” returned 16 results

3D Models Provide Unprecedented Look at Corals’ Response to Bleaching Events

August 6, 2024

In a new study, marine biologists from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego and Arizona State University are providing a first-of-its-kind glimpse into coral “bleaching” responses to stress, using imaging technology to pinpoint coral survival rates following multiple bleaching events off the island of Maui.

Fluorescent Light Revealed as Gauge of Coral Health

March 12, 2013

Coral reefs not only provide the world with rich, productive ecosystems and photogenic undersea settings, they also contribute an economic boost valued at hundreds of billions of dollars. But their decline in recent years due to a variety of threats—from pollution to climate warming—has lent urgency to the search for…

Heat and Cold Damage Corals in Their Own Ways, Scripps Study Shows

February 2, 2012

Around the world coral reefs are facing threats brought by climate change and dramatic shifts in sea temperatures. While ocean warming has been the primary focus for scientists and ocean policy managers, cold events can also cause large-scale coral bleaching events.

Researchers Develop Novel Microscope to Study the Underwater World

July 12, 2016

Researchers from Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego have designed and built a diver-operated underwater microscope to reveal a never-before-seen view of the underwater world.

Scientists Find Corals in Deeper Waters Under Stress Too

August 27, 2018

…at the University of California San Diego and the Coral Reef Research Foundation (CRRF) in Palau describes a novel approach for predicting warm temperature-induced stress on corals from the sea surface through a deeper expanse ranging from 30-150 meters (100-500 feet) known as the mesophotic zone.

New Study Could Pave Way for an Ocean Acidification Early Warning System for Coral Reefs

June 3, 2015

A new study on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef showed that corals are continuously exposed to two key climate change-related stressors throughout the year, but not necessarily at the same time. The results can help scientists better monitor the exposure of coral reef ecosystems to global climate change.

Advanced Imaging Reveals New Cellular and Molecular Details of Coral-Algae Relationship

March 11, 2022

Researchers at UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography have discovered a novel molecular process that corals use to control the subcellular environment of the algae that live inside them.

Central Pacific Coral Reef Shows Remarkable Recovery Despite Two Warm-Water Events

July 7, 2022

A new 10-year study from Palmyra Atoll in the remote central Pacific Ocean shows that reefs outside the reach of local human impacts can recover from bleaching.

Nuisance Seaweed Found to Produce Compounds with Biomedical Potential

May 24, 2012

A seaweed considered a threat to the healthy growth of coral reefs in Hawaii may possess the ability to produce substances that could one day treat human diseases, a new study led by scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego has revealed.

Getting the Bigger Picture

May 12, 2016

…the third global massive coral bleaching event using satellite imagery at key reef locations. The team will compare heavily bleached and relatively unbleached reefs and attempt to develop automated methods for quantifying bleaching extent and severity. What exactly is coral bleaching? Coral hosts a photosynthetic algae from which they obtain…

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