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Your search for “Continuous Monitoring” returned 376 results

Critical Earthquake Monitoring Network Continues Operation with Private Funding

November 12, 2015

A key earthquake monitoring network operated by UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography will continue with funding support from Seismic Warning Systems Inc. The $700,000 gift will sponsor operations of the ANZA Seismic Network, which features earthquake monitoring stations in San Diego and Riverside counties. The state-of-the art system…

Broken record: Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels jump again

June 8, 2023

CO2 levels measured at NOAA’s Mauna Loa Atmospheric Baseline Observatory peaked at 424 parts per million in May, continuing a steady climb further into territory not seen for millions of years, scientists from NOAA and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego announced this week.

Q&A with Vice Chancellor Gary Matthews on Plans for a Safe Campus and Flexible Workforce

June 3, 2021

…campus community, decisions will continue to be guided by the science, data and modeling that made the Return to Learn program a success. This phased return also provides an opportunity to reimagine how we could work going forward. In the spirit of continuous improvement, vice chancellors are thoughtfully considering how…

Mouth Guard Monitors Health Markers, Transmits Information Wirelessly to Smart Phone

August 31, 2015

…mouth guard that can monitor health markers, such as lactate, cortisol and uric acid, in saliva and transmit the information wirelessly to a smart phone, laptop or tablet. The technology, which is at a proof-of-concept stage, could be used to monitor patients continuously without invasive procedures, as well as to…

Engineers Take First Step Toward Flexible, Wearable, Tricoder-Like Device

May 23, 2016

…wearable device capable of monitoring both biochemical and electric signals in the human body. The Chem-Phys patch records electrocardiogram (EKG) heart signals and tracks levels of lactate, a biochemical that is a marker of physical effort, in real time. The device can be worn on the chest and communicates wirelessly…

How Your Brain Remembers What You Had for Dinner Last Night

January 17, 2018

Confirming earlier computational models, researchers at University of California San Diego and UC San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues in Arizona and Louisiana, report that episodic memories are encoded in the hippocampus of the human brain by distinct, sparse sets of neurons.

Grad SLAM Challenges Students to Put Complex Research into Plain English

April 23, 2015

…a novel sensor to monitor intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients. Glaucoma, he explained, is an incurable disease that affects 60 million people worldwide, and even with treatment, can lead to irreversible blindness. Phan laid out the problem: although the exact cause is unknown, high eye pressure associated with the disease…

Scientists Identify Climate Change as Major Contributor to Record-Breaking Marine Heatwave

May 26, 2020

Two new studies led by scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego highlight the significance of long-term observations for understanding ocean climate trends and events, including record-shattering marine heatwaves.

Listen Up: Scripps Scientists Use Underwater Microphones to Study Calving Arctic Glacier

April 7, 2020

Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego are eavesdropping on an Arctic glacier in the name of science. In a new study, Scripps scientists Oskar Glowacki and Grant Deane describe a new method to measure glacier mass loss from iceberg calving.

Passion and Persistence Fuel Biotech Startup

November 15, 2022

The startup AquilX seeks to commercialize a wearable device that offers a “lab under the skin.” But for Farshad Tehrani, the firm represents so much more.

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