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Your search for “Continuous Monitoring” returned 370 results

Clinical Trial Tests Tattoo Sensor as Needleless Glucose Monitor for Diabetes Patients

April 19, 2018

…Sensor as Needleless Glucose Monitor for Diabetes Patients Dr. Edward Chao is the principal investigator of a phase I clinical trial testing the accuracy of a needleless glucose monitor developed by University of California San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering researchers that adheres to the skin like a temporary tattoo…

A New Self-Powered Ingestible Sensor Opens New Avenues for Gut Research

November 30, 2022

Engineering researchers have developed a battery-free, pill-shaped ingestible biosensing system designed to provide continuous monitoring in the intestinal environment. It gives scientists the ability to monitor gut metabolites in real time, which wasn’t possible before.

Engineer Receives Award From Energy Department to Advance Concentrating Solar Power Research

June 12, 2018

…an ultra-sensitive infrared camera that can rapidly measure and monitor heat transfer in CSP plant materials and assess their performance over decades of use.

Scientists Design Way to Use Harmless Bacteria to Detect Heavy Metals in Drinking Water

February 27, 2020

…like lead or cadmium, continuous testing directly from faucets people drink from is important. Yet, very little of this kind of water testing is done. A team from UC San Diego and the campus spinout Quantitative BioSciences is working to improve the situation. Natalie Cookson (UC San Diego bioengineering Ph.D.…

Wearable Skin Patch Monitors Hemoglobin in Deep Tissues

December 16, 2022

A team of engineers at the University of California San Diego has developed an electronic patch that can monitor biomolecules in deep tissues, including hemoglobin.

Tiny Injectable Sensor Could Provide Unobtrusive, Long-term Alcohol Monitoring

April 10, 2018

…injected just under the surface of the skin for continuous, long-term alcohol monitoring. The chip is powered wirelessly by a wearable device such as a smartwatch or patch. The goal of this work is to develop a convenient, routine monitoring device for patients in substance abuse treatment programs.

Wearable Ultrasound Patch Enables Continuous, Non-Invasive Monitoring of Cerebral Blood Flow

May 22, 2024

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a wearable ultrasound patch that can offer continuous, non-invasive monitoring of blood flow in the brain. The soft and stretchy patch can be comfortably worn on the temple to provide three-dimensional data on cerebral blood flow—a first in wearable technology.

Flexible Wearable Electronic Skin Patch Offers New Way to Monitor Alcohol Levels

August 2, 2016

…could be used by doctors and police officers for continuous, non-invasive and real-time monitoring of blood alcohol content.

Grand Challenges Explorations Grant Funds Groundbreaking Health Research

May 9, 2012

…health and development research project, titled “Epidermal Electronics for Continuous Pregnancy Monitoring.”

eCOVID Platform Provides Remote Patient Monitoring

May 19, 2020

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a remote monitoring platform for patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 but aren’t in need of hospitalization. The system is being tested by patients in a clinical trial at UC San Diego Health.

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