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Your search for “Community health” returned 2205 results

Bringing Rigor Back to Science: SciCrunch Supports New NIH Requirements for Biological Citations

June 1, 2016

Ensuring research reproducibility is far from a purely intellectual pursuit: A lack of diligence and consistency can have real-world implications that erode the public’s confidence in scientific research.

New Drug Discovery Technique May Unlock Trove of Marine Compounds

August 13, 2024

Researchers from UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences have developed a new approach to scour the oceans for novel compounds that could become the medicines and products of tomorrow.

5G Wireless and Beyond: From Evolution to Revolution

June 22, 2017

5G capabilities will make it possible to harness sensor technologies, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and machine learning for unprecedented applications—applications discussed at length during the conference.

Educational Needs of ‘Students We Share’ Go Unmet

September 13, 2016

University of California Mexico Initiative symposium examines educational experiences of students who attend school on both sides of the border, seeks solutions to improve learning opportunities

Injection of Virus-Delivered Gene Silencer Blocks ALS Degeneration, Saves Motor Function

December 23, 2019

Novel spinal therapy/delivery approach prevented disease onset in neurodegenerative ALS disease model in adult mice and blocked progression in animals already showing disease symptoms.

Chronic Diseases Driven by Metabolic Dysfunction

September 7, 2018

Progress in treating chronic illness, where the cause of the problem is often unknown, has lagged. Chronic conditions like cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease defy easy explanation, let alone remedy. In a new paper, a researcher at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, posits that chronic disease is…

Nanoshaping Method Points to Future Manufacturing Technology

January 12, 2015

A new method that creates large-area patterns of three-dimensional nanoshapes from metal sheets represents a potential manufacturing system to inexpensively mass produce innovations such as “plasmonic metamaterials” for advanced technologies.

Supercomputers Unlock Reproductive Mysteries of Viruses and Life

March 19, 2020

Scientists, including UC San Diego researchers, recently relied on supercomputer simulations to better understand the reproductive mysteries of viruses and DNA.

Translating Light Across the Sciences

September 5, 2024

“My interest lies in building better tools,” said Zhaowei Liu, a faculty member in the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering and affiliate of the university’s Qualcomm Institute. “I think I can have a bigger impact that way.”

UC San Diego Alumni Presents 40 Under 40 Awards

April 12, 2018

…with a degree in communication, is a hero of another sort. While on vacation in Greece, she found an unexpected calling to aid Syrian refugees and captured the experience through a DIY documentary, “Can’t Do Nothing.” Today, her grassroots organization, #CantDoNothing, spreads awareness of the global refugee crisis and calls…

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