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Your search for “Children” returned 1158 results

Possible Source of Kawasaki Disease Found

May 22, 2014

…acquired heart disease in children. “The website helped save his life,” Chalke said. “It clearly listed the symptoms and my son had all of them. We went to his pediatrician almost every day for the next nine days, and the ER on day four, and everyone said it was…

Mouse Model Yields Possible Treatment for Autism-Like Symptoms in Rare Disease

March 16, 2016

About half of children born with Jacobsen syndrome, a rare inherited disease, experience social and behavioral issues consistent with autism spectrum disorders. Researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and collaborators developed a mouse model of the disease that also exhibits autism-like social behaviors and used it…

‘Inheritance’ Chamber Opera Uses Art and Music to Address a Complex Social Issue

October 18, 2018

…parent of a young child, school shootings in particular became front of mind in the early stages of developing the opera. “I feel liberated that I’m dealing with issues that are important to me,” he said. “Issues that I can create an artistic expression for, inviting people to have an…

Researchers Discover New Genetic Brain Disorder in Humans

April 24, 2014

A newly identified genetic disorder associated with degeneration of the central and peripheral nervous systems in humans, along with the genetic cause, is reported in the April 24, 2014 issue of Cell.

Multiple Models Reveal New Genetic Links in Autism

November 11, 2014

With the help of mouse models, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and the “tooth fairy,” researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have implicated a new gene in idiopathic or non-syndromic autism.

No Sons Linked to Lower Contraception Use in Nepal

March 14, 2013

While poverty and under-education continue to dampen contraception use in Nepal, exacerbating the country’s efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality rates, researchers say another, more surprising factor may be more intractable: Deeply held cultural preferences for sons over daughters.

Mandarin Makes You More Musical?

January 18, 2017

An international team of researchers shows that among the preschool set, or children ages 3 to 5, native speakers of Mandarin Chinese are better than their English-speaking counterparts at processing musical pitch.

Free Online Class Teaches How to Be a Better Parent–and a Better Consumer of Parenting Advice

August 15, 2017

…and why so many children are allergic to peanuts. In addition to featuring Barner, who is a leading expert on language and conceptual development, the course includes experts on behavior genetics, lying and spanking, among other topics. Some of the guest instructors include fellow UC San Diego professor Gedeon Deák…

Innovative Approach to Treating Intestinal Roundworms Holds Hope for Millions of Infected Children

November 8, 2012

…for Millions of Infected Children in Undeveloped Regions Photo by Yan Hu, UC San Diego For billions of people, mostly in poor, undeveloped regions, intestinal roundworms are a debilitating fact of life. These parasites, which include hookworms and whipworms, infect four million children, causing stunted growth, poor mental development and…

Uncovering the Secrets of the Adolescent Brain

September 29, 2015

A cross-disciplinary team of University of California, San Diego social and medical scientists will lead an ambitious, longitudinal national study to probe the mysteries of the adolescent brain.

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