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Your search for “Molecular Biology” returned 805 results

The Most Delicious Way to Support Climate Initiatives

April 20, 2023

Across the University of California, there’s a commitment to increase sustainable food procurement to help reduce the university’s carbon footprint. Here at UC San Diego, we’ve sparked a sustainable change that has rippled throughout the campus.

New Technology Unscrambles the Chatter of Microbes

February 5, 2024

Researchers from University of California San Diego have developed a new search tool to that can match microbes to the metabolites they produce with no prior knowledge, an innovation that could transform our understanding of both human health and the environment.

Study Looks for DNA Changes to Measure Parkinson’s Disease

February 4, 2019

Researchers at UC San Diego and Arizona State University have received $1.7 million in funding from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research to launch a multi-year effort to identify blood-based biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease, which could improve care and accelerate new treatments.

Personalizing Precision Medicine with Combination Therapies Improves Outcomes in Cancer

April 22, 2019

University of California San Diego School of Medicine researchers found that treating patients with personalized precision medicine that combined therapies to target multiple alterations improved outcomes in patients with therapy resistant cancers.

Immune System Sets ‘Tripwire’ to Protect against Viruses

January 28, 2021

A new study by UC San Diego biologists has revealed insights on the intricate, adaptive mechanisms of a protective system employed by the cells of mammalian immune systems. These defenses have evolved to set a type of tripwire that produces an immune response against attack from viruses.

Evolutionary Gene Loss May Help Explain Why Only Humans are Prone to Heart Attacks

July 22, 2019

University of California San Diego School of Medicine scientists say the loss of a single gene two to three million years ago in our ancestors may have resulted in a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease in all humans as a species, while also setting up a further risk for red…

Trained Viruses Prove More Effective at Fighting Antibiotic Resistance

June 7, 2021

Research reveals that phage viruses that undergo special evolutionary training increase their capacity to subdue bacteria. The results provide hope for the antibiotic resistance crisis, a rising threat as deadly bacteria continue to evolve to render many modern drugs ineffective.

Supercomputer Simulations Help Combat Tuberculosis (TB) Granulomas

March 20, 2019

Researchers from the University of Michigan relied on supercomputers at UC San Diego and elsewhere to help them develop detailed models to better understand how TB spreads throughout the lungs.

Negative Fateful Life Events and the Brains of Middle-Aged Men

April 5, 2018

Conflict, a death in the family, financial hardship and serious medical crises are all associated with accelerated physical aging. In a new study, researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that such negative fateful life events — or FLEs — appear to also specifically accelerate…

The Class of 2024: Making the Most of Being a Triton

June 6, 2024

UC San Diego’s Class of 2024 is walking the graduation stage this June. With sights set on bright tomorrows, our scholars are ready to celebrate and make us proud. Read stories about a few of our outstanding graduates here.

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