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News Archive - Global Policy and Strategy

Meet the UC San Diego Delegates Headed to Egypt for UN Climate Conference

November 3, 2022

World leaders, climate experts and policymakers from nearly 200 counties are preparing to descend upon the seaside city of Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt for a United Nations climate conference that kicks off next week.

Trade Agreements Can Ease the Pain of a Possible Global Recession

November 2, 2022

Uncertainty is bad for business; however, it can be mitigated by trade agreements which help countries become more resilient to economic shocks, according to a new University of California School of Global Policy and Strategy study.

Achyuta Adhvaryu to Lead the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy India Center

October 27, 2022

Achyuta Adhvaryu has been appointed as the inaugural director of the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy India Center and will serve as professor of economics at the school effective Jan. 1, 2023.

Open Trade Saves Countries Billions in Solar Panel Production

October 26, 2022

A globalized, open trade supply chain saved countries an estimated $67 billion in solar panel production costs, reveals a new study published in the Oct. 26 issues of the journal Nature. The savings alone for the United States amounted to $24 billion.

Air Pollution Can Amplify Negative Effects of Climate Change, New Study Finds

September 23, 2022

The impacts of air pollution on human health, economies, and agriculture differ drastically depending on where on the planet the pollutants are emitted, according to a new study that could potentially incentivize certain countries to cut climate-changing emissions.

The Aviation Industry Needs to Overhaul its Response to Climate Change

September 19, 2022

Aviation’s growing impact on the climate crisis requires radical solutions that may upend the industry, according to a new Nature commentary article from the University of California San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy.

Decoupling from China on Clean Tech Comes with Far More Risks than Rewards

September 15, 2022

The current U.S. trajectory to decouple from China on clean energy technologies can harm national and global efforts to mitigate climate change, reveals a new University of California San Diego study published in Science.

Despite Fears, 3D Printing Has Positive Effects on Global Trade

August 16, 2022

3D printing technology enables economies to produce goods locally, so conventional wisdom has been that it would dramatically reduce international trade; however, new University of California San Diego and World Bank research presents robust evidence that 3D printing expanded trade.

Best New Dean of Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science

August 5, 2022

Brookie Best, PharmD, has been named the next dean of the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of California San Diego, succeeding James McKerrow, PhD, MD, who stepped down June 30, 2022.

Cash Transfers More Effective than Workforce Training in Improving Lives of Rwandans

July 27, 2022

In the head-to-head comparison of a workforce-training program and direct cash transfers for Rwandans, cash proves superior in improving economic outcomes of unemployed youths, while training outperforms cash only in the production of business knowledge.
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