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Strategic Research Plan Refresh Looks to Evolve What UC San Diego Does Best

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Storm waters flood city streets in Pacifica, Calif., Jan. 6, 2023. Photo: Jason Doiy/iStock

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What does “high-impact research” mean to you?

As part of the recently announced Strategic Plan Refresh, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation Corinne Peek-Asa has hosted a series of formal and informal conversations to lay the groundwork for the next decade of research focus at UC San Diego.

The continued call remains unchanged at its core: “High-impact research enabling a collaborative culture of scholarship and discovery that extends the frontiers of knowledge and improves lives.” 

“As we set off to build on the foundation laid over the previous decade, the Office of Research and Innovation has been collecting input into the research themes that will focus our work moving forward,” Peek-Asa explained. “We don’t want to miss any opportunity to seek input as we finalize the strategy that will carry us into the next decade."

If you haven’t participated yet, now is your chance.

Together, we will forge ideas to support and advance our continued contributions to major areas of research, discovery, and innovation. 

The current university Strategic Plan Refresh with a focus on research and innovation. We will have interactive discussions on refreshing our research themes, areas for strategic focus, and identifying opportunities for collaboration and external engagement.

Why refresh now?

  • Continue momentum built over the last decade
  • Redouble our commitments to successful programs and operations
  • Invite stakeholders to identify new strategies and initiatives
  • Infuse new resources into the system
  • Drive future strategic investments
  • Inform fundraising priorities
  • Increase reputational awareness and brand recognition
  • Reconnect as a community

The current “Grand Research Themes” are:

  • Understanding and protecting the planet
  • Exploring the basis of human knowledge, learning and creativity
  • Enriching human life and society
  • Understanding cultures and addressing  disparities in society

But do not let these limit your thinking about how to focus our future efforts.

Click this link to contribute your suggestions on one or more broad and pressing societal problems, challenges or questions that UC San Diego is uniquely, well-positioned to help solve.

And once you’ve shared the topic, we invite you to propose specific areas of research investment that would help solve that problem. The more detail the better but feel free to provide a general response

As an example, these were submitted during an in-person strategic plan brainstorming session last month.

Societal problem: Disparate healthcare options

  • Suggested investments: The science of circadian rhythms and the timing of medications; use of A.I. to identify factors or detrimental steps responsible for differences in outcomes.

Societal problem: Climate change

  • Suggested investments: Natural Reserve System habitat preservation and improvements; survey of current water flow systems to mitigate home and road displacement

Have another suggestion? Add it here by May 24.

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