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News Archive - Climate Change

Deep-Sea Biodiversity Impacted by Climate Change’s Triple Threat

April 27, 2016

A new study found that vulnerability of deep-sea biodiversity to climate change’s triple threat – rising water temperatures, and decreased oxygen, and pH levels – is not uniform across the world’s oceans.

Climate Change at the Crossroads

March 31, 2016

The Climate Change at the Crossroads series salutes renowned climate scientists at the UC San Diego’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography with three events that will shed light on different facets of climate change.

Study: Climate Change Will Reduce the Amount of Saharan Dust in Atmosphere

March 22, 2016

Winds transport dust from the Sahara Desert around the world and influence weather and ecology as far away as the Caribbean and South America. Now a history of this transported dust led by researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego reveals how climate change may alter its global-scale role.

Correcting the Course on Climate Change Negotiations: the Road from Paris COP21

February 9, 2016

On February 24, the University of California, San Diego Library will sponsor Correcting the Course on Climate Change Negotiations: the Road from Paris COP21, featuring climate change policy expert David Victor and students Joaquin Vallejo and Shayla Ragimov, who attended COP21, and will provide their insights on the process and the outcome. The event is free and open to the public and will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the Seuss Room in Geisel Library.

UC San Diego to Send Delegation to COP21

November 24, 2015

University of California, San Diego scientists and students will be traveling to international climate negotiations in Paris next week to spur the momentum toward effective international climate action that UC San Diego scientists have been instrumental in creating

Deep-Ocean Protections May Help Mitigate Climate Change

November 12, 2015

In largely unseen ways, humans are changing the character of the deep oceans, disrupting environmental conditions and threatening biodiversity to an extent that could require hundreds of years or more for natural systems to recover.

UC Researchers Present 10 Scalable Solutions for Climate Change

October 29, 2015

University of California climate and energy experts announced 10 scalable solutions for moving the world towards carbon neutrality, a practical framework that outlines both immediate and longer-term actions for staving off catastrophic climate change. The solutions were announced during the UC Summit on Carbon and Climate Neutrality that was held at UC San Diego Oct. 26-27.

UC Summit on Carbon and Climate Neutrality Seeks to Bend the Curve on Climate Change

October 23, 2015

University of California President Janet Napolitano, Gov. Jerry Brown, legislators, business leaders and UC’s top climate and energy experts will gather at UC San Diego for the UC Summit on Carbon and Climate Neutrality Oct. 26-27. The summit will explore UC’s groundbreaking research on climate change and deliver 10 scalable solutions for slowing climate change that can be applied to California, the nation and the world.

For Accurate Regional Climate Forecasts, Atmospheric Circulation is Key

September 7, 2015

Climate forecasters need to portray circulation better to make more accurate the regional predictions most useful to the public

Scripps Oceanography Supporters Give $5 Million to Create Climate Center

August 24, 2015

Today, the University of California, San Diego announced a charitable gift that acknowledges our current climate reality, and the effective multidisciplinary approach to solutions that is a hallmark of UC San Diego. Richard and Carol Dean Hertzberg have committed $5 million to establish the Center for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The new center will provide science-based strategies for adapting to climate change.
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