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News Archive - Biological Sciences

Researchers Uncover Mechanisms behind Enigmatic Shapes of Nuclei

February 14, 2024

White blood cells known as neutrophils feature a nucleus that is structured strikingly different than most nuclei. These unique shapes permit neutrophils to travel all over the body to combat invading pathogens. Scientists have now deciphered the shapeshifting puzzle of the neutrophil nucleus.

Faulty DNA Disposal System Causes Inflammation

February 8, 2024

Each cell features mtDNA, instructions that mitochondria use to create energy. When mtDNA remains where it belongs, cells remain healthy. But when it goes where it doesn’t belong, mtDNA can initiate an immune response and inflammation. Scientists have discovered the pathways behind this process.

Extra Fingers and Hearts: Pinpointing Changes to Our Genetic Instructions That Disrupt Development

February 6, 2024

UC San Diego scientists have shown that they can now predict which single-letter changes to the DNA within our genomes will alter genetic instructions and disrupt development, leading to changes such as the growth of extra digits and hearts.

Chancellor Unveils New Award Program to Boost Team-Based Research

January 25, 2024

Chancellor’s Interdisciplinary Team Catalyst Awards aim to foster sustainable, interdisciplinary collaborations and to assist teams in developing tailored funding strategies for grand scientific and societal challenges.

UC San Diego’s Bioengineering Team Uses TSCC at SDSC for Bioinformatics Tool

January 22, 2024

Over 18 million people worldwide are annually diagnosed with cancer, with each case hiding many mutations in its genome. Understanding these mutations furthers cancer research, while also providing a deeper understanding to create possible cures, therapies and prevention strategies.

UC San Diego Is Now a Bee Campus. Here’s What that Means…

January 11, 2024

UC San Diego recently became a Bee Campus USA member, part of a national program created to support pollinating organisms, boost the abundance of native plant species and reduce pesticide use. Professor James Nieh explains what the designation means for UC San Diego and the San Diego region.

Transparent Brain Implant Can Read Deep Neural Activity From the Surface

January 11, 2024

A multidisciplinary team of researchers at UC San Diego developed a thin, transparent, flexible neural implant that can capture high-resolution information about activity deep inside the brain without damaging its delicate tissue.

Terrence Sejnowski Named Scientist of the Year by ARCS San Diego

January 9, 2024

Professor Terrence Sejnowski has been named 2024 Scientist of the Year by the ARCS Foundation of San Diego. Sejnowski is being honored for his pioneering research in neural networks and computational neuroscience, achievements that helped form the cornerstones of artificial intelligence.

Inside the Matrix: Nanoscale Patterns Revealed Within Model Research Organism

December 21, 2023

Following years of research and the power of a technologically advanced instrument, UC San Diego scientists have detailed the complex nanoscale exoskeleton patterns of the roundworm, a model laboratory organism, revealing clues about how skin layers are bound together.

Wildfires Also Impact Aquatic Ecosystems

December 12, 2023

Researchers have shown that the effects of wildfires are not limited to terrestrial ecosystems. Aquatic ecosystems are also undergoing rapid changes. The study found that fire debris transforms lakes and other aquatic ecosystems, with implications for fisheries and water quality.
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