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News Archive - Mario Aguilera

“Soft” CRISPR May Offer a New Fix for Genetic Defects

July 1, 2022

Scientists have developed a CRISPR-based technology that could offer a safer approach to correcting genetic defects. The new “soft” CRISPR system makes use of natural DNA repair machinery, providing a foundation for novel gene therapy strategies with the potential to cure genetic diseases.

Immune Cells Anchored in Tissues Offer Unique Defenses Against Pathogens and Cancers

June 29, 2022

Researchers are expanding their understanding of unique immune “memory” cells equipped to remember malicious invaders. They developed an atlas that describes tissue-resident memory cells in diverse settings, boosting prospects for new immune defense strategies at vulnerable infection sites.

UC San Diego Biological Sciences Professors Elected to National Academy of Sciences

May 9, 2022

School of Biological Sciences neurobiologist Yishi Jin and molecular biologist James T. Kadonaga have been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, one of the highest honors bestowed upon U.S. scientists and engineers.

Researchers Manipulate Demographic of Bacterial Community with Novel Electronic Technology

May 4, 2022

Using second-long electrical shocks, UC San Diego scientists were able to control the types of cells in a community of bacteria. Being able to direct the ratio of cells holds implications for settings spanning agriculture to health care, where antibiotic resistance is a significant threat.

Recently Discovered Protein Turbocharges Gene Expression

March 9, 2022

Scientists at UC San Diego and Rutgers University have found intriguing new details about a previously missing critical factor in gene expression. An ancient protein called NDF found in all human tissues enhances gene activation and may be involved in diseases such as cancer.

Government Guidelines Across North America, Europe Fail to Protect Lakes from Salt Pollution

February 21, 2022

The salinity of freshwater ecosystems caused by road de-icing salts, agriculture fertilizers, mining operations and climate change is increasing worldwide and current water quality guidelines don’t do enough to address the issue, an international study with UC San Diego scientists has found.

Flies Possess More Sophisticated Cognitive Abilities than Previously Known

February 16, 2022

Common flies feature more advanced cognitive abilities than previously believed. Using a custom-built immersive virtual reality arena, neurogenetics and real-time brain activity imaging, researchers found attention, working memory and conscious awareness-like capabilities in fruit flies.

Hungry for Love: Gut Molecule Discovered that Flips the Feeding-to-Mating Switch

February 9, 2022

Scientists have identified a molecule released from the fruit fly gut after a protein-rich meal that switches their focus from eating to courtship. The discovery of Dh31, a type of chemical messenger, opens the door to unexplored areas of gut-to-brain communication.

A Map for the Sense of Smell

January 28, 2022

Our sensory systems provide us with immediate information about the world around us. Researchers have created the first sensory map for smell. The map details how the fruit fly’s olfactory receptor neurons, the components that sense smell, are organized within the insect’s sensory hairs.

New Tool Assesses Evolutionary Risks of Antibiotics

January 18, 2022

Countering a rising antibiotic resistance crisis, doctors now prescribe combinations of antibiotics. Yet many risks are involved with such multi-drug combinations. Scientists have developed a way to help doctors evaluate outcomes for different drug pairs and boost the odds of successful treatment.
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