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News Archive - Ioana Patringenaru

Building Bridges –Literally–Goal of Friendly Nationwide Engineering Competition

June 15, 2023

Student cheers mixed with the noise of power tools on a Saturday morning at Liontree Arena as more than 40 student teams, including one from UC San Diego, competed in the finals of a national steel bridge competition.

Making Robots for Humans: Robotics Experts Present at ICRA 2023

May 30, 2023

From robotics surgery to better algorithms for robots working in teams with humans, researchers at the UC San Diego Contextual Robotics Institute are presenting 16 papers at the ICRA 2023 conference from May 29 to June 2 in London.

Tallest Full-scale Building Ever Built on an Earthquake Simulator Put to the Test at UC San Diego

April 5, 2023

A 10-story building made of cross-laminated timber will be tested on one of the world’s two largest earthquake simulators at the University of California San Diego this spring. Known as the Tallwood project, it is the tallest full-scale building ever to be constructed and tested on a shake table.

Two UC San Diego Engineers Elected to the National Academy of Inventors

February 27, 2023

Two engineers from the University of California San Diego have been elected Senior Members of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI), in recognition of their efforts to improve human health through engineering.

Breakthrough Enables Battery-free Smart Tag Technology

February 21, 2023

Imagine you can open your fridge, open an app on your phone and immediately know which items are expiring within a few days. This is one of the applications that a new technology developed by engineers at the University of California San Diego would enable.

Cybersecurity Expert Stefan Savage Elected to the National Academy of Engineering

February 9, 2023

UC San Diego cybersecurity expert Stefan Savage, whose work examines a wide range of technologies, from cars, to spam emails to cryptocurrencies, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering.

Protein Discovery Sheds New Light on Cellular Behavior

February 6, 2023

Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and University of California San Diego just published a new paper in Nature Physics featuring previously unknown information about cellular proteins and how they organize themselves.

This Injectable Biomaterial Heals Tissues From the Inside Out

January 30, 2023

A new biomaterial that can be injected intravenously, reduces inflammation in tissue and promotes cell and tissue repair. The biomaterial was tested and proven effective in treating tissue damage caused by heart attacks in both rodent and large animal models.

Supplementation with Amino Acid Serine Eases Neuropathy in Diabetic Mice

January 25, 2023

Working with mice, Salk Institute researchers, in collaboration with the University of California San Diego, have identified another factor contributing to diabetes-associated peripheral neuropathy: altered amino acid metabolism.

Wearable Sensor Uses Ultrasound to Provide Cardiac Imaging On the Go

January 25, 2023

A new wearable, non-invasive heart monitor for humans provides real-time, automated insights on the difficult-to-capture pumping activity of the heart – and it works even when a person is exercising.
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