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News Archive - Christine Clark

Financial Incentives Can Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy, but only in Large Amounts

March 14, 2022

Financial incentives and other nudges have been used to help increase vaccination rates across the nation, but new research from the University of California San Diego’s Rady School of Management reveals that compensations need to be large—at least $100—to reduce vaccine hesitancy.

A Voice Inside My Head: The Persuasive Power Headphones Have on Listeners

February 22, 2022

Americans spend an average of four hours per day listening to audio either on headphones or on speakers, but there are major differences in the psychological effects between the two mediums. Headphones have a much more powerful impact on listeners’ perceptions, judgments and behaviors.

Many Firearm Buyers and Sellers do not Comply with Assault Weapons Bans

February 7, 2022

With the number of mass killings by firearms rapidly increasing from 270 in 2014 to 693 in 2021, President Biden recently called for the reinstatement of the federal assault weapons ban as a way to curtail gun violence. But how effective are weapons bans and will the market comply with them?

When Job Seekers are “Overqualified,” Gender Bias May Come Into Play

January 31, 2022

When you’re looking for a job, any number of factors can work against you. When you’re passed over for a job you seek because you’re told you’re “overqualified” it may be initially flattering, but it’s most likely not what you want to hear.

How to Double Voter Turnout and Increase Representation during Local Elections

August 20, 2021

Low and uneven turnout is a serious problem for local democracy. However, simply moving off-cycle, local elections to be held on the same day as statewide and national contests doubles voter turnout and leads to an electorate that is considerably more representative.

Differences in Financial Risk Preferences Can Make or Break a Marriage

July 27, 2021

While it is well known that fighting over money can lead couples to divorce court, new research from the University of California San Diego’s Rady School of Management finds that differences in risk preferences are likely a root cause of marital separation.

Poor and Minority Communities Suffer More from Extreme Heat in U.S. Cities

July 13, 2021

Low-income neighborhoods and communities with higher Black, Hispanic and Asian populations experience significantly more urban heat than wealthier and predominantly white neighborhoods within a vast majority of populous U.S. counties, according new research.

Powerful People are Less Likely to be Understanding When Mistakes are Made

June 23, 2021

Those with power, such as the wealthy are more likely to blame others for having shortcomings and they are also less troubled by reports of inequality, according to recent research from the University of California San Diego’s Rady School of Management.

UC San Diego Professor Renee Bowen Selected as White House Economic Advisor

June 10, 2021

Renee Bowen, the Pastor Faculty Fellow at the University of California San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy and the Department of Economics, has been selected to serve in the Biden administration as the senior economist for Trade with the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA).

CO2 Emissions Are Rebounding, but Clean Energy Revolutions are Emerging

June 3, 2021

At the upcoming Conference of the Parties (COP26) in November, ample discussion is likely to focus on how the world is not on track to meet the Paris Agreement’s goals of stopping warming at well below 2°C.
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