July 11, 2018
July 11, 2018 —
The University of California San Diego has admitted 29,601 freshman and 9,353 transfer students out of a record 116,452 applicants. The number of freshman admits is down slightly (two percent) compared to last year’s record of 39,802 students; yet the university increased its offers of admission to first-generation students (up nearly five percent among freshman and transfers), with nearly one-third of the admitted class being the first in their family to attend a four-year college. In addition, the campus saw a 55 percent jump in admitted local, San Diego students, and admitted more underrepresented students compared to last year.
July 2, 2018
July 2, 2018 —
Could nuclear power make a significant contribution to decarbonizing the U.S. energy system over the next three or four decades? The answer: probably not and that’s cause for major concern, according to a recently published paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS).
June 20, 2018
June 20, 2018 —
The University of California San Diego has been honored with the 2018 Grid Edge Innovation Award for serving as an epicenter for research, development and commercialization on smart electric vehicle (EV) charging. UC San Diego has collaborations with over 18 companies and organizations in providing 135 EV charging stations on campus. In May alone, more than 700 different EVs were charged by UC San Diego’s world-renowned microgrid.
May 29, 2018
May 29, 2018 —
A new world ranking names the University of California San Diego among the globe’s top 20 best universities; the campus netted the 16th spot on among U.S. universities. The annual rankings from the Center for World University Rankings (CWUR), released today, measure universities’ quality of research, faculty, influence, enterprise and successful alumni.
April 30, 2018
April 30, 2018 —
Hafner-Burton’s passion and dedication to protecting human rights carries through her teaching and research. As such, she was selected to be one of six UC San Diego faculty members honored at the 44th annual Chancellor’s Associates Faculty Excellence Awards for going above and beyond to make a positive difference in their teaching, research and service.
April 18, 2018
April 18, 2018 —
What are the traits of an innovator? Is it an inherent or learned quality? Existing theories and empirical research on how innovation occurs largely assume that it is an ingrained quality of the individual and that only people with this innate ability seek and attain jobs that require it; however new research from the University of California San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy shows this isn’t the case.
April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018 —
The misuse of Facebook data by Cambridge Analytica, the politicization of U.S. intelligence agencies, and the civil wars crises plaguing regions in the Middle East, Africa and beyond are just a few of the topics tackled in Political Violence @ a Glance. The blog was launched by Barbara F. Walter, political science professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy.
April 2, 2018
April 2, 2018 —
Established in 1988 by a group of dedicated staff and grassroots activists, the University of California San Diego’s CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center has been a standard-bearer of survivor support services and prevention education for campus sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking. As the campus recognizes Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in April, the center will hold events looking back at the pioneering work in support services and rape prevention, while moving forward to inform individuals how they can use their voice to promote a safe and respectful community and stop sexual violence before it happens.
March 20, 2018
March 20, 2018 —
As prospective graduate students across the country research course offerings and consider possible universities to attend, U.S. News & World Report has released its annual list of the nation’s top graduate programs that names professional schools and academic divisions at the University of California San Diego among the best in the nation.
February 28, 2018
February 28, 2018 —
Ever dream of taking the stage to deliver an awards acceptance speech while “thanking the academy?” Members of the University of California San Diego will make this dream a reality March 8 for the “BEARLs” Academe Awards for Principles of Community. The Hollywood-style awards ceremony will honor five members of the campus community, along with a distinguished alumnus, and a special celebrity guest for their positive contributions to society. This year’s celebrity awardee is actress Shannon Elizabeth who appeared films such as “American Pie” and “Love Actually.” She will be honored for her animal-conservation and poaching-prevention work in Africa.