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Your search for “Sleep Medicine” returned 143 results

Too Much Sitting, Too Little Exercise May Accelerate Biological Aging

January 18, 2017

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine report that elderly women who sit for more than 10 hours a day with low physical activity have cells that are biologically older by eight years compared to women who are less sedentary.

Clinical Trial Launched to Assess Safety and Efficacy of Autism Drug Treatment

June 10, 2015

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have launched a clinical trial to investigate the safety and efficacy of an unprecedented drug therapy for autism.

Metabolism of Autism Reveals Developmental Origins

May 10, 2024

New insights into the metabolism of autism from researchers at UC San Diego could help inform early detection and prevention strategies for the disorder.

Genomic Studies Implicate Specific Genes in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

January 28, 2021

After analyzing the genomes of more 250,000 military veterans, researchers have identified 18 specific, fixed positions on chromosomes that appear associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. The findings may point to new therapeutic drug targets.

When Mom Talks, Are Infants with ASD Listening?

January 3, 2022

Researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine pinpoint the regions of the brain and neural mechanisms responsible for normal or impaired development of a child’s response to baby talk and why infants with autism do not typically respond well.

In Wake of COVID-19 Pandemic, a Crashing Wave of Neuropsychiatric Problems?

April 14, 2020

Researchers suggest that in the aftermath of the novel coronavirus pandemic, a host of neuropsychiatric challenges may remain — or emerge — for those recovering from COVID-19 infections.

Locana Lights up Investors

June 13, 2019

…San Diego School of Medicine receives big investment for RNA therapeutics Local biotech company Locana made news last month when it raised $55 million in venture capital funding. Locana means “illuminate” or “vision” in Sanskrit, and the company is based on technology that was originally developed to illuminate RNA inside…

Drug Treatment Corrects Autism Symptoms in Mouse Model

March 13, 2013

Autism results from abnormal cell communication. Testing a new theory, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have used a newly discovered function of an old drug to restore cell communications in a mouse model of autism, reversing symptoms of the devastating disorder.

Computers See Through Faked Expressions of Pain Better Than People

March 20, 2014

…security, psychopathology, job screening, medicine, and law, said Bartlett. “As with causes of pain, these scenarios also generate strong emotions, along with attempts to minimize, mask, and fake such emotions, which may involve ‘dual control’ of the face,” she said. “In addition, our computer-vision system can be applied to detect…

Mountain High: Genetic Adaptation for High Altitudes Identified

August 15, 2013

Research led by scientists from the University of California, San Diego has decoded the genetic basis of chronic mountain sickness (CMS) or Monge’s disease. Their study provides important information that validates the genetic basis of adaptation to high altitudes, and provides potential targets for CMS treatment.

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