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Your search for “Suicide” returned 68 results

Take 10 with a Triton: Navy Vet Nat Kapp on Knowing Who Packs Your Parachute

November 9, 2023

Nat Kapp, Program Manager at the Student Veteran Resource Center, speaks on service, belonging, and lavender white mochas.

2015-16 Holocaust Living History Workshop Series Highlights “Holocaust Journeys”

January 7, 2016

The 2015-16 Holocaust Living History Workshop (HLHW) series continues this January with six compelling authors, films, and other events highlighting the diverse “Holocaust Journeys” of survivors and others recounting their personal stories. Co-sponsored by the University of California, San Diego Library and the UC San Diego Jewish Studies Program, the…

Blood Testing Identifies Biomarkers of Suicidal Thoughts

December 15, 2023

Researchers from University of California San Diego have found that people with depression and suicidal ideation have compounds in their blood that could help identify people at higher risk of becoming suicidal. They also found sex-based differences in how depression impacts metabolism.

UC San Diego Physicians Head Clinic Offering Care to Children With Gender Identity Issues

April 28, 2016

…at increased risk of suicide. A 2011 nationwide survey of 6,456 transgender/gender non-conforming individuals found that 41% of participants reported attempting suicide at least once. In San Diego County, four transgender teens have committed suicide in the last year. Newfield said the clinic can serve as a life raft for…

What Does ChatGPT Say When You Tell It You Were Assaulted, You’re Suicidal, or Want to Quit Smoking?

June 7, 2023

A new UC San Diego study published in JAMA Network Open provides an early look into how artificially intelligent assistants could help answer public health questions.

Can Seven Questions Determine How Wise You Are?

December 2, 2021

Researchers report that an abbreviated, seven-item scale can help determine with high validity a person’s level of wisdom, a potentially modifiable personality trait that has been shown to have a strong association to well-being.

How a Yeast Cell Helps Crack Open the “Black Box” Behind Artificial Intelligence

March 5, 2018

UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers developed a visible neural network and used it to build DCell, a virtual model of a functioning brewer’s yeast cell. To do this, they amassed all knowledge of cell biology in one place and created a hierarchy of these cellular components. Then they…

People with Schizophrenia Left Out of Longevity Revolution

September 15, 2017

A team of researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System analyzed published longitudinal studies of mortality in schizophrenia that met their strict research criteria and found that the mean standardized mortality ratio – a measure of the mortality rate in…

Pressing Reset on Depression

January 26, 2022

Transcranial magnetic stimulation offers hope for antidepressant-resistant psychiatric disorders at UC San Diego Health.

Varenicline Helps Smokers with Depression to Quit Smoking

September 9, 2013

In a Pfizer-sponsored clinical trial to assess the effect of varenicline (Chantix®) on smoking cessation, as well as mood and anxiety levels in smokers with current or a history of depression, researchers concluded that the drug does help some of these patients to quit smoking without worsening symptoms of depression…

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