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Your search for “Cognitive Development” returned 453 results

Multiple Pathways Progressing to Alzheimer’s Disease

June 25, 2015

UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers report that the amyloid cascade hypothesis, long believed to describe the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease, is not a fixed and invariable sequence of events. Rather, early indicators or biomarkers of the neurodegenerative condition vary by individual, making preclinical diagnoses more challenging.

Polygenic Risk Score May Identify Alzheimer’s Risk in Younger Populations

March 5, 2018

…can be used to correctly identify adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) who were only in their 50s. MCI is considered a precursor to AD.

UC San Diego Takes the Driver’s Seat for Intelligent Vehicles

November 2, 2017

…take stock of the developments and challenges in the space, highlight the university’s plans to roll out autonomous vehicle testing, and align research efforts. The University of California San Diego is taking the lead in intelligent vehicles, turning the campus into a living laboratory for self-driving cars starting with mail…

Selfies Reach New Heights with Wearable Drone

November 20, 2014

…yet to be fully developed and brought to market. But take a look at the enthusiastic comments on Nixie’s YouTube video, and its 3.5 million views and counting, and it certainly seems possible that someday soon “Nixie” will enter everyone’s vocabulary. Nixie was prototyped by a team that includes Jelena…

Mother’s Depression Might Do the Same to Her Child’s IQ

April 17, 2018

…that a mother’s depression can negatively affect a child’s cognitive development up to the age of 16.

Longitudinal Study of Brain Aging and Cognitive Change Receives $19 Million Grant

June 15, 2020

Researchers at UC San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues elsewhere, will receive almost $19 million over five years for the fourth phase of the Vietnam Era Twin Study of Aging, which investigates cognition, aging and the risk for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.

Machinery Used in Basic Cell Division Does Double Duty as Builder of Neurons

February 28, 2019

Researchers at the San Diego branch of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research at University of California San Diego have identified an entirely new mechanism underlying the development and structure of the nervous system during embryogenesis.

Home-Based Tools Can Help Assess Dementia Risk and Progression

March 28, 2019

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, with colleagues elsewhere, report on a novel four-year, randomized clinical trial evaluating different home-based methods to assess cognitive function and decline in participants over the age of 75.

Genetically Influenced Responses to Alcohol Affect Brain Activation

October 17, 2011

…potential to identify individuals who are at risk for developing an alcohol-use disorder before it develops – in essence, providing a marker for this vulnerability.

Putting Students First

September 28, 2017

…the student experience, we’ve developed new resources and opportunities to ensure our students are successful on campus and in their chosen fields, so they can go on to become alumni who will have a positive impact on our community and world.” New housing The campus estimates enrollment numbers for undergraduate…

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