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Your search for “Brain Cells” returned 623 results

UCTV Launches New Stem Cell Channel

June 6, 2019

…UCTV Launches New Stem Cell Channel Viewers to go behind the scenes from autism to zebrafish Alysson R. Muotri loves stem cells. He runs a lab that studies them, and he’s inspired by the fascinating work colleagues around him are doing. He’s so excited that he wants to tell everyone…

Study Finds New Evidence that Autism Begins During Pregnancy

April 3, 2014

…the Allen Institute for Brain Science have published a study that gives clear and direct new evidence that autism begins during pregnancy. The study will be published in the March 27 online edition of the New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers – Eric Courchesne, PhD, professor of neurosciences and…

Updated Brain Cell Map Connects Various Brain Diseases to Specific Cell Types

December 11, 2017

Researchers have developed new single-cell sequencing methods that could be used to map the cell origins of various brain disorders, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. By analyzing individual nuclei of cells from adult human brains, researchers have identified 35 different subtypes of neurons and glial cells and discovered…

Human Brain Cell Atlas Offers Unprecedented Look at Neuropsychiatric Disorders

October 13, 2023

In a large, multi-institutional effort led by University of California San Diego, researchers have analyzed more than a million human brain cells and revealed links between specific types of cells and various common neuropsychiatric disorders.

Motion-Sensing Cells in the Eye Let the Brain ‘Know’ About Directional Changes

March 3, 2014

…linking the eyes and brains of mice, biologists at UC San Diego discovered that the ability of our brains and those of other mammals to figure out and process in our brains directional movements is a result of the activation in the cortex of signals that originate from the direction-sensing…

Bioengineers Lead NIH Center to Map the Gene Activities of Individual Cells in Human Cortex

October 16, 2012

Bioengineers at the University of California, San Diego have received a $9.3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to establish a single-cell genomics center and develop a three-dimensional map of gene activities in individual cells in the human cortex.

Building Mini-Brains to Study Disorders Caused by HIV and Meth Use

February 10, 2015

…involving the creation of miniature models of the human brain – developed with stem cells – to study neurological disorders caused by HIV and methamphetamine use has been named one of five recipients of the 2015 Avant-Garde Award for HIV/AIDS Research from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).

Mapping the Mouse Brain Helps Reveal What Makes Us Human

December 14, 2023

As part of a national initiative better understand how the brain works, researchers from UC San Diego have analyzed more than 2.3 million individual brain cells from mice to create a comprehensive map of the mouse brain.

New Study of Brain Circuits Finds Key Links to Symptoms of Depression

July 17, 2017

Scientists have linked specific wiring in the brain to distinct behavioral symptoms of depression. In a study published in Cell, researchers at UC San Diego found brain circuits tied to feelings of despair and helplessness and were able to alleviate and even reverse such symptoms in mice studies.

UC San Diego Develops First-In-Kind Protocol for Creating ‘Wired Miniature Brains’

June 10, 2024

Researchers have developed — and shared — a process for creating brain cortical organoids — essentially miniature artificial brains with functioning neural networks

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