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Your search for “Animal Communication” returned 278 results

Tracking a New Path to Octopus and Squid Sensing Capabilities

April 14, 2023

Research led by UC San Diego and Harvard has traced the evolutionary adaptations of octopus and squid sensing capabilities. The researchers describe for the first time the structure of an octopus chemotactile receptor, which octopus arms use for taste-by-touch exploration of the seafloor.

Recordings Spout Secrets behind Blue Whale Behavior

February 12, 2018

Researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego are using underwater microphones to interpret and characterize the calls of blue whales swimming through Southern California’s oceans, revealing new insights into the behavior of these endangered marine mammals.

Single Dose Reverses Autism-like Symptoms in Mice

June 17, 2014

…consequence of abnormal cell communication, researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report that an almost century-old drug approved for treating sleeping sickness also restores normal cellular signaling in a mouse model of autism, reversing symptoms of the neurological disorder in animals that were the human…

It’s in the Weeds: Herbicide Linked to Human Liver Disease

May 14, 2019

Exposure to glyphosate, the primary ingredient in the popular weed killer Roundup, correlates to more severe cases of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

UNESCO Recognizes International Team for Sustainable Underwater Archaeology Efforts

August 8, 2023

UNESCO has awarded a team of researchers from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History and UC San Diego’s Qualcomm Institute and Scripps Institution of Oceanography for their efforts protecting underwater cultural heritage sites.

Can Organisms Sense via Radio Frequency?

October 31, 2017

…not only uncover and unveil a new mode of communication among organisms, but could also open up new avenues for innovation in RF technology.

Dog Poop Microbiome Predicts Canine Inflammatory Bowel Disease

October 3, 2016

…humans are not similar enough to use dogs as animal models for humans with this disease. The study is published October 3 in Nature Microbiology.

Biologists Uncover Details of How We Squelch Defective Neurons

September 4, 2013

Biologists at the University of California, San Diego have identified a new component of the cellular mechanism by which humans and animals automatically check the quality of their nerve cells to assure they’re working properly during development.

SDSC-Developed Software Used in First Global Camera Trap Mammal Study

September 13, 2011

…the diversity and survival of a wide range of animal populations.

Patterns of Glowing Sharks Get Clearer with Depth

April 26, 2016

A team of researchers including scientists from the American Museum of Natural History and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at University of California San Diego found that catsharks are not only able to see the bright green biofluorescence they produce, but that they increase the contrast of their glowing pattern when…

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