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Your search for “Ovarian Cancer” returned 51 results

Strauss Family Gives UC San Diego $1 Million to Help Develop a Cancer Vaccine

October 17, 2017

…the doctors at Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego Health. When their daughter’s cancer reappeared, it was the first place they turned for help. Because of their experience and trust in the medical and research staff, the couple recently donated $1 million to the University of California San Diego…

“Wildly Heterogeneous Genes”

September 16, 2013

Cancer tumors almost never share the exact same genetic mutations, a fact that has confounded scientific efforts to better categorize cancer types and develop more targeted, effective treatments. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego propose a new approach called network-based stratification, which identifies cancer subtypes not by the…

UC San Diego/SDSC Study Uncovers Mechanism to Block a Cancer Pathway

October 20, 2015

…most common types of cancer. This important drug has now been shown to play an unexpected role in blocking one of the pathways most commonly involved in driving the growth of cancers, according to a recent study by researchers at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) as well as the…

Nanoengineers Receive $4.3M From NIH To Continue Studies Using Plant Viruses To Treat Cancer

October 17, 2022

Researchers led by Nicole Steinmetz, professor of nanoengineering at the University of California San Diego, have received $4.3 million in grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to advance their research using plant viruses to develop cancer immunotherapies.

CIRM Approves $5.8 Million Grant for CAR-T Therapy that Targets Cancer Stem Cells

July 20, 2017

…equipped with a special receptor that recognizes and targets cancer stem cells, whose survival abilities often render standard therapies ineffective or short-term.

Extrachromosomal DNA is common in human cancer and drives poor patient outcomes

August 17, 2020

The multiplication of genes located in extrachromosomal DNA that have the potential to cause cancer drives poor patient outcomes across many cancer types, according to a Nature Genetics study published Aug. 17, 2020 by a team of researchers including the University of California San Diego.

Jekyll and Hyde and Seek

February 27, 2018

…of California San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center describe how a signaling protein that normally suppresses tumors can be manipulated (or re-programmed) by growth factors, turning it into a driver of malignant growth and metastasis.

CIRM Approves New Funding to UC San Diego Researchers Fighting Zika Virus and Cancer

January 20, 2017

…of stem cell-derived natural killer (NK) cells to target ovarian cancer and other malignancies.

New Cancer Immunotherapy Approach Turns Immune Cells into Tiny Anti-Tumor Drug Factories

December 4, 2018

In lab and mouse experiments, UC San Diego School of Medicine researchers developed a method to leverage B cells to manufacture and secrete tumor-suppressing microRNAs.

Precision Oncology via Artificial Intelligence on Cancer Biopsies

July 31, 2024

An artificial intelligence method to detect biomarkers in tumor biopsies promises to cut weeks and thousands of dollars from cancer detection, extending the benefits of precision oncology to underserved and under-resourced patients.

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