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Your search for “Neurology” returned 420 results

Is CBD a Remedy for Autism? TBD.

April 26, 2018

…a remedy for numerous neurological disorders, from simple stress to epilepsy to post-traumatic stress disorder and drug addictions. In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine will step into the fray, investigating whether CBD safely and effectively provides therapeutic benefit for one of the…

Researchers Uncover Possible Link Between Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Disease

June 14, 2018

…adverse metabolic, reproductive and neurological diseases. In addition to changes in bile acids and plant-derived hormones, we also detected differences in fatty-acids,” said Tripathi. “For example, we noted a significant reduction in a molecule that leads to the modulation of systemic levels of LDL and HDL cholesterol.” The study is…

UCTV Launches New Stem Cell Channel

June 6, 2019

…goes wrong in various neurological diseases, and how to fix it. “We show people working with stem cells and making mini-brains right in the lab,” he said. “I don’t think most people can picture what that looks like. I don’t think this has been done before, at this level—we are…

A Career Cultivated in Watermelon Fields

April 16, 2020

…lab to delve into neurological and psychiatric diseases at the basic science level. She hopes to help expose the networks and circuits that lead to brain disorders. She also plans to work directly with patients in the clinical setting. “Patients and their stories are what lead and guide your research,”…

Historical Disease Meets Modern Biology in New Faculty Member Cressida Madigan’s Lab

July 2, 2020

…two examples of different neurological infections. I work on leprosy, which is a bacterial infection of our nerves. Leprosy does something very unusual to our nerves. It stops them from working. It stops us from being able to sense pain in our skin. How that happens is almost completely not…

Creating an Engineering Senior Design Project….at Home

July 2, 2020

…of low gravity on neurological development, so they’re sending these little brains up to the Space Station to see how gravity affects them,” said team member Nicholas Blischak. “As a result of having to send something to the Space Station you have to put it on a rocket, and they…

Q&A: When Will a COVID-19 Vaccine Be Ready?

October 15, 2020

…UK trial developed serious neurological symptoms. The participant recovered and the trial resumed in the UK and in other countries but remains on hold in the United States.) Join a COVID-19 Vaccine Trial at UC San Diego UC San Diego Health leads the region’s efforts to prevent COVID-19 and improve…

Customized Brain Maps Improve Cancer Surgeries and Epilepsy Treatments

May 6, 2021

…in the Department of Neurological Surgery at UC San Diego Health in a recent video interview showcasing the Dayeh lab. "[Dayeh] designs devices using the most advanced engineering materials and electronics work, and then we are able to take those devices and test them in animals and see how well…

Nearly $500,000 in Support Grows PATHS Scholars Program

May 20, 2021

…and address misconceptions about neurological diseases. As a PATHS Scholar, she was awarded a four-year scholarship to cover all educational costs, in addition to receiving ongoing academic and professional coaching, access to tutoring through the Teaching + Learning Commons and the opportunity to take part in research to improve health…

New Scoliosis Procedure Helps One-Time Olympic Hopeful Compete Again

September 30, 2021

…in the Department of Neurological Surgery at UC San Diego, with Michele Pease-Downey. In 1980, Michele Pease-Downey’s dream was to qualify for the U.S. Olympic swimming team. At 60, her dream was to continue walking. The lifelong swimmer needed a cane and, by 2018, the occasional wheelchair, due to increasing…

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