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News Archive - School of Medicine

Moments of Acute Stress Can Cause Molecular Alterations in Immune Response

March 1, 2016

Chronic psychosocial and emotional stress has well-documented negative effects upon the human immune system but less is known about the health effects of acute but transitory episodes of stress. Do panic-inducing moments also raise the risk of stress-related conditions? A team of researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, Stony Brook University in New York and elsewhere addressed that question by taking blood samples from skydivers to measure key immune response indicators.

New Living Donor Option for Liver Transplantation at UC San Diego Health

March 1, 2016

Nationally, more than 15,000 patients are waiting for a liver transplant. Approximately 6,300 persons each year will receive a new liver; 1,400 die waiting. In California, one in four listed for liver transplant will die before an organ becomes available. Fortunately, living donation is now a lifesaving option at UC San Diego Health.

Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute Building Opens March 4

February 29, 2016

Rising above Interstate 5 on the east campus of University of California, San Diego, the Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute Building (ACTRI), a five-sided polygon of glass, steel and grooved concrete, officially opens its doors March 4 in a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Two ‘Seasoned and Successful’ Entrepreneurs Join UC San Diego to Guide Student Innovators

February 29, 2016

UC San Diego’s Entrepreneurs-in-Residence program, which currently features three savvy business professionals who help advise students on start-up ideas, has gained two additional experts.

Predictive Proteins: Elevated Levels Trigger Metastatic Progression of Cancer Cells

February 26, 2016

Researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center, with colleagues in Spain and Germany, have unraveled how elevated levels of particular proteins in cancer cells trigger hyperactivity in other proteins, fueling the growth and spread of a variety of cancers.

Countdown To Twin Astronaut’s Return - UC San Diego Readies Next Steps in Landmark Study

February 26, 2016

When astronaut Scott Kelly returns to Earth on March 1, half of NASA’s first-of-its-kind study of twin astronauts and long duration space flight, researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and elsewhere will launch the mission’s next phase.

Molecular “Brake” Prevents Excessive Inflammation

February 25, 2016

Inflammation is a Catch-22: the body needs it to eliminate invasive organisms and foreign irritants, but excessive inflammation can harm healthy cells, contributing to aging and sometimes leading to organ failure and death. Researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have discovered that a protein known as p62 acts as a molecular brake to keep inflammation in check and avoid collateral damage.

CAR Trials Drive Leukemia and Lymphoma Treatment in New Direction

February 23, 2016

Cancer immunology is based upon boosting the body’s own immune system to vanquish malignancies. It is among the fastest growing areas of oncology research. Researchers at UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center have launched three clinical trials to test the safety and efficacy of a novel cellular-immunotherapy that uses modified T cells – one of the immune system’s primary weapons – to treat three different types of blood cancer that often defy existing therapies.

Longer, Intense Rehabilitation Boosts Recovery after Brain Injury

February 22, 2016

Cognitive and functional recovery after a stroke or traumatic injury requires intense rehabilitative therapy to help the brain repair and restructure itself. New findings by researchers at University of California, San Diego School of Medicine report that not only is rehabilitation vital but that a longer, even more intense period of rehabilitation may produce even greater benefit.

Ten UC San Diego Student Teams Awarded First Funding for Promising New Projects

February 22, 2016

Ten teams of innovative students at UC San Diego have been awarded proof-of-concept funding to validate the product concepts behind their innovative projects.
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