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News Archive - Jacobs School of Engineering

San Diego Events Map Future of Brain Research and Remedies

September 8, 2015

Two University of California, San Diego-sponsored events in September, over two consecutive Saturdays, highlight the importance of a comprehensive approach to brain research. First, on Sept. 12, is an education and advocacy forum for the public bringing together those affected by Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, brain injury, stroke, epilepsy, autism, mental illness or depression. Then on Sept. 19 a research symposium will connect local “neurotechnology” innovators to one another and to the region’s business community.

UC San Diego Develops Online Software Development Courses for Coursera

September 1, 2015

Three Computer Science and Engineering teacher professors – Leo Porter, Mia Minnes and Christine Alvarado – will launch a new series of intermediate software development courses, called “Java Programming: Object-Oriented Design of Data Structures”, on the Coursera network starting Sept. 15.

Magnetic Fields Provide a New Way to Communicate Wirelessly

September 1, 2015

Electrical engineers at the University of California, San Diego demonstrated a new wireless communication technique that works by sending magnetic signals through the human body. The new technology could offer a lower power and more secure way to communicate information between wearable electronic devices, providing an improved alternative to existing wireless communication systems, researchers said.

Mouth Guard Monitors Health Markers, Transmits Information Wirelessly to Smart Phone

August 31, 2015

Engineers at the University of California, San Diego, have developed a mouth guard that can monitor health markers, such as lactate, cortisol and uric acid, in saliva and transmit the information wirelessly to a smart phone, laptop or tablet. The technology, which is at a proof-of-concept stage, could be used to monitor patients continuously without invasive procedures, as well as to monitor athletes’ performance or stress levels in soldiers and pilots.

Qualcomm Institute Convenes Conference on Future of Virtual Reality

August 28, 2015

Experts from academia and industry will share insights into the future of virtual-reality technologies and content at the first Future of Virtual Reality Conference Sept. 8-9, organized by the Qualcomm Institute on the UC San Diego campus.

Howard University Alumnus Awarded Sloan Ph.D. Fellowship in Computer Science at UC San Diego

August 25, 2015

UC San Diego joins MIT and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as elite campuses selected to be part of the Sloan Foundation's Minority Ph.D. Program, and the foundation recently announced the first computer science student at UC San Diego to become a Sloan Scholar.

These Microscopic Fish are 3D-Printed to do More Than Swim

August 25, 2015

Nanoengineers at the University of California, San Diego used an innovative 3D printing technology they developed to manufacture multipurpose fish-shaped microrobots — called microfish — that are efficient swimmers, are chemically powered and magnetically controlled. These proof-of-concept synthetic microfish will inspire a new generation of “smart” microrobots that have diverse capabilities such as detoxification, sensing and directed drug delivery.

Online Magazine for Teens Features UC San Diego Professor and Smart Vehicles

August 25, 2015

IEEE Spark inspires teens with story of 'smart vehicles' and highlights the pioneering contributions of UC San Diego expert in intelligent transportation and telematics, Mohan Trivedi, director of the Laboratory for Intelligent and Safe Automobiles (LISA).

Bioinformatics Pioneers Launch First Online Bioinformatics Specialization on Coursera

August 17, 2015

CSE professor Pavel Pevzner and recent postdoc Phillip Campeau are launching a six-part series of courses as a Specialization mini-degree on Coursera teaching bioinformatics, culminating in a Capstone Project that will prepare students to solve real-world research challenges.

Qualcomm Institute Hosts North American School of Information Theory

August 7, 2015

This year's NASIT will feature lectures and workshops by professors from Stanford, USC, Carnegie Mellon and UC Irvine on a wide range of topics, including managing signal interference, optimizing data analysis and channel models for biological communications.
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