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Patient with Prosthetic Legs Inspires Medical Team

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Tanner Hopson's world was forever changed when a backache turned into a life-threatening case of sepsis in 2019. After being transferred to UC San Diego Health, it was determined both of his legs would need to be amputated to save his life from the serious blood infection. A multi-disciplinary team at UC San Diego Health treated Tanner to help him return to optimal function after the life-altering event. 

“I'm thankful to be alive. There really is no other reason other than a miracle and what UC San Diego Health did to keep my body going,” Hopson said. “I am thankful for my mindset because I have the ability to use the functions I do have and do amazing things with them.”

Hopson learned how to overcome the challenges he faced and is now inspiring many as he continues to meet significant milestones in his recovery, even training for sporting events, like the Paralympic Games.

“It’s so great to see him in clinic walking and continuing to push forward and optimize his function to the point that he’s competing in outdoor events," said Joel Castellanos, MD. “It’s one of those things where it fills up your tank as a provider, it just makes it all worth it."

This holiday season we are especially grateful for patients like Tanner, who inspire us and our medical teams who provide exceptional care to our patients.

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