- Judy Piercey
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- Judy Piercey
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Welcoming California’s Fastest Growing Population
Today, Latino students are among the fastest growing population in California. To advance its goal of inclusive excellence, UC San Diego launched the Latinx/Chicanx Academic Excellence Initiative in 2018. The campuswide program, led by the Office for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, unifies and expands services dedicated to attracting and supporting a diverse faculty, staff and student community.
As a university located in a trans-border region, UC San Diego is uniquely positioned to become a top choice for Latinx and Chicanx students who presently make up nearly 22% of the campus’ full-time undergraduate population.
At the heart of the initiative is an acknowledgement that student success is not just about academic success. It is about affirming identity, celebrating culture and recognizing diverse backgrounds—all of which contribute to a positive college experience.
UC San Diego has made significant advances in the development and expansion of programs and services to increase student access and success, from summer transition programs and campus community centers to student success coaches and tailored academic resources. Through programs like the Chancellor’s Associates Scholars Program—55% of whose recipients identify as Latinx/Chicanx—more students have access to higher education.
The initiative is part of UC San Diego’s larger Strategic Plan for Inclusive Excellence, a campuswide effort to continue cultivating a learning and working environment where all feel welcomed and valued.
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