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Voices of the Unsheltered

Installation Relates Stories of Housing Crisis

A photo of a statues from the piece in front of UC San Diego Park & Market.
A statue from the piece in front of UC San Diego Park & Market.

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The Design Lab has completed project work on Stories Unsheltered, our contribution to Bay to Park Paseo at UC San Diego Park & Market downtown. 

The interactive installation aims to create awareness and host a conversation about the housing crisis in the City of San Diego and the broader region. Stories Unsheltered’s goal is to expose the public to a range of different stories, personal journeys and experiences of home – and to encourage empathy and action on this problem.

Stories Unsheltered consists of a mural and statues with voice recordings telling the stories of San Diegans who have experienced housing insecurity. While the physical presence of the installation provides a means to interface with the community on the street, the digital storytelling platform will allow for a more interactive experience.

The installation has been a joint effort between the Design Lab and Bay to Park producers at Urban Interventions. Special thanks to Michèle Morris, Steven Dow, Nivardo Valenzuela, Ampi Averbuj, Christine Brumbach, Jackson Cassidy, Jarenz Castillo, Tienna Chen, Yuancheng Chen, Kristen Ching, Dania Garcia, Winston Jefferies, Naomi Kim, Colby Lee, Sabrina Mao, Matthew Morris, Julian Salud, Armin Suraj, Frances Sy, Thomas Wang, David Wu and Annie Ye.

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