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Alum Spotlight: Meet Chris Lehmer, Pharm.D., M.B.A., ‘17

Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Alum Chris Lehmer stands in front of a building
Chris Lehmer, Pharm.D., M.B.A., ’17, executive director of specialty pharmacy at City of Hope

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One of the great advantages of a pharmacy degree is its flexibility—allowing you to you pursue areas as far ranging as clinical pharmacy to healthcare administration. Whichever role they pursue, pharmacists make a lasting impact on patient care and well-being. 

To learn more about a pharmacist working in business, we caught up with alum Chris Lehmer, Pharm.D., M.B.A., ’17, now the executive director of specialty pharmacy at City of Hope®, one of the nation’s largest cancer research and treatment organizations. He shared more about his current role, what drew him to pharmacy and why he recommends Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to prospective pharmacy students.

What is a typical day like for you?

In my role now I oversee a team of pharmacists and technicians that spans the entire country. So a lot of my work is based on how do we lead people, how do we solve problems and how do we plan for the future.

Why pharmacy?

I chose pharmacy to help people. That's always been my true North Star in terms of my career motivation. Pharmacy gave me an opportunity to do that, both working as a bench pharmacist at a CVS and at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where I worked with patients directly. Now I'm still able to do that as I lead a team that delivers our oncology services across the country.

What is your favorite part of your job?

I enjoy leading and innovating in new ways to deliver oncology services to our patients, and interfacing with industry leaders and pharma across the payer network.

Why would you recommend Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to prospective pharmacy students?

Skaggs prepared me to be a very strong fundamental pharmacist upon graduation. I felt like I had a strong clinical foundation to build upon that I've been able to then leverage as I've moved into my career both in pediatrics and in oncology. It also provided me with a lot of leadership opportunities, which prepared me well for my role today.

Lehmer speaks on a panel at a conference

Lehmer speaking at a national health summit on industry trends and future headwinds

What might a pharmacy student be surprised to learn about the field of pharmacy?

There's a ton of business behind the entire industry both on how we deliver patient care in an efficient and systematic way while being cost conscious, and how we balance changes in reimbursement and payer dynamics. It’s important as a pharmacy student to understand what business elements drive the area of practice you are interested in. This will help you advance to create the role you want to be in, whether that is in clinical practice, administration, or research.

Chris Lemher and friends in front of a Habitat for Humanity sign

Lehmer with his Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity brothers building houses for Habitat for Humanity

What is your favorite memory from your time at our school?

Definitely the community that I found, which became the friends I still hang out with today. Even the late-night studying, I just look back and while it was stressful at the time it really develops a community and relationships that you take with you after graduation. I also always enjoyed all the different student org events.

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