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Your search for “psychiatry” returned 430 results

Have You Found Meaning in Life? Answer Determines Health and Well-being

December 10, 2019

A recent study by researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine found that the presence of and search for meaning in life are important for health and well-being, though the relationships differ in adults younger and older than age 60.

Pre-med Student Melds Matrix and Medicine 

March 18, 2021

…Zisook, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and director of the Department of Psychiatry Residency Training Program at UC San Diego, and Judy Davidson, a research scientist at UC San Diego. “I wanted to use computational techniques to better understand medicine and biology as it could provide greater implications than working one…

Campus Community Comes Together to Offer Help for Holidays

December 6, 2011

…is the department of psychiatry’s 12th Annual Toy Drive for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Inpatient Program (CAPS). CAPS is a department of psychiatry facility that offers in-patient treatment services for children and adolescents who suffer from acute emotional and behavioral problems. For many of the children, the gifts provided…

Is Guided Self-Help Effective in Treating Childhood Obesity?

April 1, 2013

…by Kerri Boutelle, PhD, associate professor of pediatrics and psychiatry at UC San Diego School of Medicine – the first to demonstrate the effectiveness of such a program – will be published in the journal Pediatrics on April 1.

46 UC San Diego Faculty Named Most Influential in Their Fields

November 28, 2018

Forty-five faculty members at the University of California San Diego are among the world’s most influential researchers in their fields, according to Clarivate Analytics’ list of 2018 “Highly Cited Researchers.”

Reduced Heart Rate Variability May Indicate Greater Vulnerability to PTSD

September 10, 2015

…reported in the September 9 online issue of JAMA Psychiatry by researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System.

Clinical Trial Teaches Binge Eaters to Toss Away Cravings

February 9, 2012

Of 190 million obese Americans, approximately 10-15 percent engage in harmful binge eating. During single sittings, these over-eaters consume large servings of high-caloric foods. Sufferers contend with weight gain and depression including heart disease and diabetes.

Of Mice and Men, a Common Cortical Connection

November 16, 2011

A new study using magnetic resonance imaging data of 406 adult human twins affirms the long-standing idea that the genetic basis of human cortical regionalization – the organization of the outer brain into specific functional areas – is similar to and consistent with patterns found in other mammals, indicating a…

Wisdom Engendered: Study Finds Men and Women Have Different Strengths

February 2, 2022

Researchers looked at gender differences relative to wisdom, using two different validated scales and found that, in general, women scored higher on compassion-related items and on self-reflection while men scored higher on cognitive-related items and on emotional regulation.

Major Contract Fuels Three-University Study of TMS for Treating Depression

February 22, 2022

UC San Diego School of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine and Stanford Medicine have launched a three-year study to investigate new ways to treat or prevent major depression, accelerate effective treatments and develop predictive models to identify which treatments work best for individual patients.

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